Oh dear, we've all been made redundant...

Found on Staple's website:

Fixes all issues, less downtime, less stress...
Improves performance, eliminates buffering...
It slices, it dices in teeny, tiny slices.
It makes mounds of julienne fries in just seconds.

Description - copied here for convenience:

All the issues associated with the Internet being down can be solved by
power cycling the modem and router. But that can be hard to do! NetReset
resolves network issues by offering sequential power cycling. This means
that when the modem and router are plugged into the device, they are
powered up at different times. The modem is powered up first, then a minute
later, the router is powered up. This rebooting will occur at initial
setup, every 24 hours and after a power failure. Do you have a modem/router
combo? No problem! NetReset will also power cycle the modem/router combo.

Automatically resets user's Internet every 24 hours
Maximizes Internet speed & reliability
Eliminates media stream buffering
Hands-free Internet reset
Resets hard-to-reach modem/router
Less Internet downtime
Less daily stress
No need to manually reset
Reset occurs at programmed time
Updated information from Internet service provider
Proper reboot after a power failure
Resetting allows equipment to auto-correct issues

How does a reboot fix layer 2 issues?

"Have you tried turning it off and on again ?"

"Eliminates media stream buffering”

Well, hell… my job is done here. [drops mic, walks out]

This is great, I now have something I can show to my customers to confirm that all this power cycling and such really is an 'accepted problem'...

I got one of these in my effort to make my self a little more redundant to my parental tech-support role, a little more sophisticated, tests up-through-layer-3 in unexplained ways which I haven’t yet bothered to pcap.



Sorry I didn't reply ... Sure you can send them out to Nick - thanks Tom

JP Vasseur
Cisco Fellow

Cheaper on Amazon.


Here is an even better one. This one recycles the power when it loses contact with the internet.


Depending on its definition of "lose contact with the Interent", that could
result in interesting failure modes - everything from hundreds of them bouncing
boxes if an upstream router has a BGP flap, to thousands of them DDoS'ing
the test point, and then bouncing boxes... It probably also interacts
badly with power monitoring hardware/software that labels too many power
"faults" in a period of time as a danger situation and holds off on bringing
boxes back online until stability is restored....

Found on Staple's website:

Fixes all issues, less downtime, less stress...

...and so forth
..................and so on.

Resetting allows equipment to auto-correct issues

Recalls to mind years ago in the Toll testroom where I work, the evenings equipment man (charged with and assigned to the task of repairing equipment that had been "patched out" by the day shift) would, when he arrived for work each day, retrieve the piece of 2 X 4 from its hiding place and whack each bay of relay-rich equipment as he walked in the area.

Then, after some coffee and a cigarette, he would go through the trouble-ticket collection, retest the item, mark the ticket "NTF" and proceed to the next item.

I love that!

Just goes to show the vast range of technical issues that can be
readily righted with little more than a good thump with a hammer.




Uggghhh. I've always hated this 'reboot, see if it fixes it' methodology. If the CPEs can't recover from error conditions correctly, they shouldn't be used. I blame Microsoft for making this concept acceptable. LOL.


"how many times did he reboot it?" "once." "well, i think he needs to try a
few more times."

The Website Is Down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRGljemfwUE#t=6m30s

(old but good.)


Excellent! With any luck, it would be at the exact same time for all
users. I was just thinking the other day, "You know, my RADIUS servers
just dont get enough spike load..."


Found on Staple's website:

My coworker's immediate response was:
"Now we all need to get jobs as Automated Router Power Cycling technicians".

Mine was to check my calendar to see if I'd lost a week and a half, and it was suddenly April 1st.

Every time I have to ring about my home internet the first think they ask
be to do is reboot the modem and then connect via cable and check the link
light is green.

Had to fight with them before since the *FRITZ!**Box* they supplied did
not have network link LEDs. Also I know it was a PPPoE auth issue looking
at the pcap from the router.

Still did not stop them from insisting it was a modem issues and sent me
out 3 replacements.

Any trouble case that does NOT have the word "replaced", "repaired", or "patched", followed with a specific, identifiable device name was not "closed". It is still an open, unsolved case.

Just goes to show the vast range of technical issues that can be
readily righted with little more than a good thump with a hammer.

We always referred to that as "percussive maintenance"

Casey Russell
Network Engineer
Kansas Research and Education Network

2029 Becker Drive, Suite 282

Lawrence, KS 66047
(785)856-9820 ext 9809