Oh dear, we've all been made redundant...

If such a need presents itself and one lacks the requisite hammer, one can also resort to “brogan maintenance” in many cases.


In a later live, I worked in a computer center housing A computer (1110, 1100/80, 1100/90). The UNIVAC CEs had in their kit an tool for locating "shock-sensitive" boards--looked like and worked like an "automatic centerpunch" with a blunt point.

Uggghhh. I've always hated this 'reboot, see if it fixes it'
methodology. If the CPEs can't recover from error conditions
correctly, they shouldn't be used. I blame Microsoft for making this
concept acceptable.


I was getting 20% TCP packet loss between two of my unix boxes on the
TWC route from my house to work, so I called support.

I used lft - like tcptraceroute - both directions, to identify a TWC
backbone router in Dallas as the problem. I then used the TWC looking
glass to show the same result.

I was told i needed to reboot my router to troubleshoot. I offered to
reboot my router, after he rebooted his router in Dallas :wink:


Conversation with one of my daughters earlier about a problem in her office today (short summary as I recall it): Changes made to their VOIP system the night before, stuff broken the next day.

She tried to get "support" to look at the changes made, "support" would not do anything until she had rebooted everything including the microwave, I guess.

Back in the day--my main trouble shooting strategy was to identify all the things that had changed since it last worked the way it was supposed to. The big trouble with that approach is that everybody and their pet spider will decide which changes are "important".