Facebook down!! Alert!

At 1:20am here in Canada, NB our networks are showing that facebook is down.
Please confirm in the USA.


Same here in SF Bay Area....

Down here in Denver CO

Hi James,


looks like it isn't just you ..

Down from here as well. Looks like a productive night of hacking awaits me ...


Ditto In AU and from other reports US.
Guess productivity will go up :wink:

Down , down, down in NYC.

Down from FL...but like last time, www.lisp4.facebook.com works fine.

Works fine here, Northern Colorado.

Seems to be working just fine here in Toronto.

It's back up. There goes that short burst of productivity.

James Smith wrote:

At 1:20am here in Canada, NB our networks are showing that facebook is down.
Please confirm in the USA.


Sent from my iPhone

We need "Alert" and ! in the subject? seriously?
Sorry, but I don't see a reason to get all excited. FB is down, omg,
alert the media. geez

Still up here in Massachusetts over v4 and v6. Since 11:45am (that is PST, I believe) there is still an ongoing issue with "real-time updates" according to the Live Status page.


Visiting that page just now, the latest API response time graphs are definitely indicative of what looks like serious new problems.

Also, Facebook is hosting an event Wednesday where they're rumored to be rolling out a large update-- coincidence?!?


-Matt Dodd

Yeah it's back.

Correction, that's "alert" and a total of three exclamation points. Not
a peep on outages.



Is www.lisp4.facebook.com working for places where www.facebook.com is down?

Damien Saucez

I think the Outages mailing list is more appropriate for this.

You'd think so, but my experience is that when Facebook goes down the whole company will leave their desks and go to the networking people to get them to fix the Facebook. And they won't leave until Facebook is back.


I have to agree on this as well. I can understand when a service provider is having problems and people questioning it since that can affect many of us who depend on backbone connections, but sites like facebook and twitter being down should not be posted here but on the "sitesemployeeswastetimeon.org" [\sarcasm off]