European Nanog?

Hey there!

Does anyone know of a list like nanog for Europe? I would be interested in
subscribing... I've learned a lot from this list but would like to find a closer
one as well :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help


Hi Ken,

Does anyone know of a list like nanog for Europe? I would be interested in
subscribing... I've learned a lot from this list but would like to find a closer
one as well :slight_smile:


Brilliant thanks!

I got a swiss offlist one too that i subscribed to as well. (looks like they have an interesting ddos tracking one too!)

Maybe i should have broadened my google search with "euro nog" instead of "european network operators group".

Thanks for your help



On Sun, 12 Sep 2004 20:05:43 +0200, the mental interface of Nicolas DEFFAYET told:

*LOL* This list is so dead you won't believe it ...

There is no real correspondent to NANOG in Europe. EOF
( has been iniated to cope
with the network/ISP related items within RIPE. Though EOF is not as
dead as Euronog is it could be more active. There are EOF
workshops/tutorials at almost each RIPE meeting but no discussions in

As always ... YMMV


But when it comes to mailing list traffic volume, there is no
companion that I'm aware of. Many issues are discussed on other
specialized RIPE mailing lists.


The "NOG" philosophy don't work in Europe.

Same problem of very low activity for local NOG like FRnog, Swissnog,...

We have do our best for start an european NOG.
There is currently ~ 300 subscribers to the list

Nicolas DEFFAYET wrote:

The "NOG" philosophy don't work in Europe.

Same problem of very low activity for local NOG like FRnog, Swissnog,...

simply not true. Check out SwiNOG

mort than 500 subscribers, several closed working groups (antispam, lawful interception, BBCS), 2 yearly meetings. And this in a small country of just 7 mio inhabitants.


> The "NOG" philosophy don't work in Europe.

    > simply not true. Check out SwiNOG

And there's NordNOG.


Daniel Roesen [12/09/04 20:32 +0200]:

But when it comes to mailing list traffic volume, there is no
companion that I'm aware of.

I rather believe that's a feature, not a bug

Too many nogs- The RIPE NCC ran a Euro Operators
forum that was probably the most useful.


1. EOF is still alive though hardly visible/audible.

2. EOF is not a RIPE NCC activity.


2. EOF is not a RIPE NCC activity.

Who runs/funds/maintains it then?


Too many nogs- The RIPE NCC ran a Euro Operators
forum that was probably the most useful.

in europe, same as in the US, there is a limited number of people who are at
least peripherally interested in participating. not everyone is interested
in everything - based on nanog experiences, there are rather large
(proportionally) groups of people who are only interested in discussing
spam, gmail invites or bad analogies for example. in our case, all of this
is merged into one discussion stream. in europe, with ripe running several
more specific lists, there isn't enough traffic for an "everything goes,
including crap" forum. </imho>


EOF is run my itself and has a status as a RIPE WG, hence imbedded in RIPE.


So the RIPE NCC - thanks.

As already noted here a couple of times:


Although MERIT is organizing NANOG meetings, no one would say: MERIT ==
NANOG. Right?


As already noted here a couple of times:


Although MERIT is organizing NANOG meetings, no one would
say: MERIT == NANOG. Right?

I love the obsession that people have with this!

You can state what you like, but the income from the NCC is
what mostly funds the other RIPE activities, in which case
its all the same to me, does the EOF live on a RIPE.NET server?
Yes. Who funds those servers?


As already noted here a couple of times:


Although MERIT is organizing NANOG meetings, no one would say:
MERIT == NANOG. Right?

I love the obsession that people have with this!

You can state what you like, but the income from the NCC is what
mostly funds the other RIPE activities, in which case its all the
same to me,

You are welcome with your sight of the world, but we still believe it's
not a disc :wink:

does the EOF live on a RIPE.NET server? Yes. Who funds those servers?

There ae loads of websites living on someone else server (and even paid
for by someone else). But that does not make them necessarily belong to
someone else.


Not quite. As far as I'm concerned, NANOG is part of MERIT activities.
And while I'm not certain if NANOG is actually legally organized in any
way, if it is, it is probably considered to be subsidiary of MERIT

So while NANOG != MERIT, what we have is that NANOG < MERIT

Similarly while EOF != RIPE NCC, it is part of it, i.e. EOF < RIPE

I'm not so certain about RIPE NCC to RIPE relationship though, I suspect
that RIPE NCC is a subset (RIR services or) larger RIPE organization that
is involved in other activities, i.e. RIPE NCC < RIPE

So in this case both EOF and RIPE NCC being subsets of same larger set,
these subsets may intersect (or one subset maybe contained in another or
equal to it) but we do not know about it without additional data and can
not make logical conclusion that EOF < RIPE NCC. All we can can say is
both EOF and RIPE NCC represent organized activity of RIPE existing in
parallel and possibly sharing in some parts of the activity.

But of course, overall funding for RIPE still comes from RIPE NCC, so
while other activities of RIPE are not necessarilty parts of RIPE NCC
they are still funded by it :slight_smile:

I'm not so certain about RIPE NCC to RIPE relationship though, I suspect
that RIPE NCC is a subset (RIR services or) larger RIPE organization that
is involved in other activities, i.e. RIPE NCC < RIPE

No, that's not true. There is no order function for EOF, RIPE and RIPE
NCC. While EOF has a RIPE WG status it is not a RIPE WG (this was at
least my understanding). And the only relation between RIPE and RIPE NCC
is that RIPE NCC is "provid(es)ing administrative support for RIPE".

But of course, overall funding for RIPE still comes from RIPE NCC, so
while other activities of RIPE are not necessarilty parts of RIPE NCC
they are still funded by it :slight_smile:

There is no overall funding for RIPE. For what? Meeting costs and the
like are paid for by the meeting participants.
