European Nanog?

In article <2004912185512.597528@sysop-02>, Ken Gilmour <> writes

Does anyone know of a list like nanog for Europe? I would be interested in

If your network is member of LINX or AMS-IX you will find there some private lists which discuss a European flavour of many of the things I see on NANOG.

On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 06:28:36 +0530, the mental interface of Suresh Ramasubramanian told:

�Daniel Roesen [12/09/04 20:32 +0200]:

�But when it comes to mailing list traffic volume, there is no
�companion that I'm aware of.

�I rather believe that's a feature, not a bug

I'd rather have no mails than tons of gmail invites!

I'd agree that RIPE is the forum tho, it *is* the foremost industry forum for
policies and is well established. Too many splinter groups already...


2. EOF is not a RIPE NCC activity.

actually, it is. but it did not used to be.


Although MERIT is organizing NANOG meetings, no one would say: MERIT ==
NANOG. Right?

almost. nanog is a proper subset of merit (sorry, no symbol on kbd)


You can state what you like, but the income from the NCC is
what mostly funds the other RIPE activities, in which case
its all the same to me, does the EOF live on a RIPE.NET server?
Yes. Who funds those servers?

more to the point, who decided meeting content? essentially daniel
karrenberg does.


: > > The "NOG" philosophy don't work in Europe.
: > simply not true. Check out SwiNOG
: And there's NordNOG.

Anyone got a list of all english language NOG mailing lists? So far I
have AFNOG, SwiNOG (apparently some in english) and SANOG.


: > > The "NOG" philosophy don't work in Europe.

    > : > simply not true. Check out SwiNOG
    > : And there's NordNOG.
    > Anyone got a list of all english language NOG mailing lists? So far I
    > have AFNOG, SwiNOG (apparently some in english) and SANOG.

NZNOG (New Zealand)


My little list includes:


So, North America, Africa, South Asia, Japan, Europe, Asia Pacific, Singapore, New Zealand, Nordic Countries, Switzerland, Pacific.

There are bound to be others lurking out there...


In article <>, Randy Bush <> writes

You can state what you like, but the income from the NCC is
what mostly funds the other RIPE activities, in which case
its all the same to me, does the EOF live on a RIPE.NET server?
Yes. Who funds those servers?

more to the point, who decided meeting content? essentially daniel
karrenberg does.

I thought it was a committee of the Workgroup chairs (apart perhaps from the first day).

: At 10:36 13/09/2004 -1000, Scott Weeks wrote:
: >Anyone got a list of all english language NOG mailing lists? So far I
: >have AFNOG, SwiNOG (apparently some in english) and SANOG.
: My little list includes:
: So, North America, Africa, South Asia, Japan, Europe, Asia Pacific,
: Singapore, New Zealand, Nordic Countries, Switzerland, Pacific.

I briefly looked and NordNOG wasn't an english speaking list. (no
surprise there... :slight_smile: I only read in english, thus my request for english
language NOG lists. Did I miss that and are the others you mention in the
english language?

Like I mentioned privately to another person that replied: Too bad there's
not a GNOG (Global) done in many languages and a person could subscribe to
the language he/she desired. Don't know how one could afford the
interpreters for the list, but it'd sure be a good thing if the S/N could
be kept low.


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: On 2004-09-14, at 16.36, Scott Weeks wrote:
: > I briefly looked and NordNOG wasn't an english speaking list. (no
: > surprise there... :slight_smile: I only read in english, thus my request for
: > english
: > language NOG lists. Did I miss that and are the others you mention in
: > the
: > english language?
: As I created NordNOG I can assure you it is english speaking. Actually,
: I have no idea how think we would otherwise communicate :slight_smile: To the best
: of my knowledge there have been one or two messages in Swedish. It is a
: low volume list though, but that is another issue.

Oops, I must've looked at the one or 2 in the archives. I guess I looked
too briefly.


every time i see this list, it makes me want to tell NOG NOG jokes.


The NOGs list is available at Bugest-Network TOP .

Anyone got a list of all english language NOG mailing lists? So far I
have AFNOG, SwiNOG (apparently some in english) and SANOG.

My little list includes:


So, North America, Africa, South Asia, Japan, Europe, Asia Pacific,
Singapore, New Zealand, Nordic Countries, Switzerland, Pacific.

There are bound to be others lurking out there...


Kuniaki KONDO - Intec NetCore, Inc.
Kuniaki@iNetCore.Com -
NATS Project -
イベントML -

> ...
>more to the point, who decided meeting content? essentially daniel
>karrenberg does.

I thought it was a committee of the Workgroup chairs (apart perhaps from
the first day).


you are almost right.

From :

"The European Operators Forum (EOF) is a forum where new
technologydevelopments of interest to Internet Protocol network
operators arepresented and discussed. The EOF has no formal charter or
chair. The agenda is co-ordinated by a program committee led by Rob
Blokzijl, RIPE Chair.

Participation is open to all interested parties. The EOF is normally a
day and a half session that takes place prior to scheduled RIPE Working
Group sessions. The Program Committee welcomes input for possible
topics and can be reached at <>. ... "

All sugestions for content go to the eof-coord list. Anyone willing to
contribute to putting together the EOF programme is welcome to join this
list. It is an extremely informal group. Most, if not all, RIPE WG
chairpeople are on the list; but it is not limited to them. The RIPE NCC
currently supports me to act as a secretary and to look after the
meeting/speaker logistics.




you are almost right.

From :

"The European Operators Forum (EOF) is a forum where new
technologydevelopments of interest to Internet Protocol network
operators arepresented and discussed. The EOF has no formal charter or
chair. The agenda is co-ordinated by a program committee led by Rob
Blokzijl, RIPE Chair.

this is not really consistent with, It would also be more
transparent if someone know of which members the program committee
consist of.

But this are pennies. I would much appreciate if EOF gets more input
from "RIPE" operators.

Have a successful RIPE 49 in Manchester,


I would much appreciate if EOF gets more input from "RIPE" operators.

this is a problem with eof, nanog, apricot, ... the actual running
and decision-making is not done by operators. it is done by the
usual well-meaning people representing operators. and, of course,
they are in extreme, and almost amusing, denial that there is a

i am not sure how foro de redes is currently operated; it used to
be heavily operator run. it is interesting to note that afnog is
organized and run pretty much by operators. i guess they can't
afford net.bureaucrats to represent them :-).


Randy Bush [15/09/04 09:11 -1000]:

this is a problem with eof, nanog, apricot, ... the actual running
and decision-making is not done by operators. it is done by the
usual well-meaning people representing operators. and, of course,

At least in apricot's case, if anybody wants to help, and proves that he can
help effectively, he / she is welcome to help .. it kind of boils down to "X,
Y and Z are willing to roll up their sleeves and help in everything from
chasing after sponsors, running a registration system etc to actually coming
into the conference venue with a satchel full of access points and wiring the
place up"

Operators, vendors, people who represent the operator community, it doesn't
really matter at all. Anyone who is willing to spare technical /
organizational expertise and considerable chunks of spare time is welcome to
step up to the plate and volunteer.

  srs (not speaking for the apricot mgmt committee here)