Zayo or HE for IP transit

What is the current experience with Zayo or HE? I’m looking at possibly adding one of them into a mix of cogent and a mix from my datacenter. Would be using BGP full routes. Any experiences would be appreciated.



Hurricane has probably the most peering of any large network on the planet. They also carry more v6 traffic than anyone. But they have a famous problem with v6 - you cannot get to Cogent (174) from HE. Since you have Cogent, that should not be a problem. Private, smart people, customer service is excellent, generally good network. One minor thing to keep in mind: They do not have as many weird “features” as some of the other big networks. If you are looking for something very specific (as opposed to vanilla transit), you should check to see if they support it. Not saying they won’t, just saying I would check. Which, frankly, is good advice for any network.

I have not used Zayo in many years, so cannot comment on them.

Well AFAIK Zayo is not filtering invalid ROA's from their network. So if tht matters to you, take that into consideration.

What is the current experience with Zayo or HE? I’m looking at possibly adding one of them into a mix of cogent and a mix from my datacenter. Would be using BGP full routes. Any experiences would be appreciated.



From those two i would pick Zayo. don't allow you to play with communities and TE.



  • Zayo = worse coverage/connectivity, adequate connectivity to other Tier1/Tier2, massive fiber network
  • HE = less redundancy built into their network, but best-connected to leaves/edges of the internet (and still good connectivity to core)

Others may have had different experiences, but that’s what I see from where I sit.

No issues with HE, only gripe was that if you had transit along with IX peering, traffic will always prefer transit over IX ports.

That's how it's supposed to work, and is not specific to HE.

Customer routes > peer routes

Most providers wouldn't allow simultaneous peer + customer relationship, but in this case, I would argue that HE is doing you a favor by leaving your settlement-free peering adjacency in place, for you to dump outbound traffic toward their customers for free.
