YouTube Video Streaming

I would like to get some input for the following problem we face with YouTube video streaming.
We are an ISP in Singapore and peer with Google at Equinix and SOX (Singapore Open Exchange), For about 2 weeks we have been facing choppy streaming or continuous buffering on various YouTube videos. These problem videos are streamed at HD or original quality.
Our troubleshooting narrow down to those bad videos being streamed to us from outside Singapore. We contacted Google support, they are confused too, as why we are served from a cache server in Poland on one of the videos. The case has been escalated within Google, unfortunately no update from them since.

Not all YouTube videos are bad through us, some 45 minutes videos can fully buffered within seconds on HD or original quality, of course the IP we streamed for these videos are through our local peering with Google.


I would like to get some input for the following problem we face with
YouTube video streaming.
We are an ISP in Singapore and peer with Google at Equinix and SOX
(Singapore Open Exchange), For about 2 weeks we have been facing choppy
streaming or continuous buffering on various YouTube videos. These
problem videos are streamed at HD or original quality.
Our troubleshooting narrow down to those bad videos being streamed to
us from outside Singapore. We contacted Google support, they are
confused too, as why we are served from a cache server in Poland on one
of the videos. The case has been escalated within Google, unfortunately
no update from them since.

Not all YouTube videos are bad through us, some 45 minutes videos can
fully buffered within seconds on HD or original quality, of course the
IP we streamed for these videos are through our local peering with

I have seen similar issues, some videos work fine but others seem to stop after either a few minutes or half way through. The same behaviour is seen on various computers, the same video stops at the same place.

I didn't have time and could not be bothered to look into it at the time and kind of put it down to one of those things that will be fixed later.

So I'd be really interested in what the outcome is!


I would like to get some input for the following problem we face with YouTube video streaming.
We are an ISP in Singapore and peer with Google at Equinix and SOX (Singapore Open Exchange), For about 2 weeks we have been facing choppy streaming or continuous buffering on various YouTube videos.

I don't know how "big" you are, but have you considered joining the
"Google Global Cache" Google Partner Request ? It may help in
the future with issues like this.

It seems odd that Google aren't doing much with this, they are usually
quite obsessive when it comes to reducing latency and other issues
over their peering connections.



We went through something similar here about a year ago. It took around two
weeks for Google engineers to resolve the trouble, however, the problem has
popped up once or twice since then.

Here is a post from the nanog archives that describes a workaround, where
you relay youtube dns queries to another DNS resolver in your area that
does not experience the problem: