Youtube Outage

Is this widespread?

You beat my email by seconds. Yes, it is widespread.

Tmobile, and syringa no youtube

Same issue for me in Vancouver. My direct peering in Germany has the same issue.

Thanks ~ Bryce Wilson, AS202313

Reports (and humor) are flooding twitter.

Same in Montreal.

Australia too….

The reports I’ve seen showing it as a worldwide outage.

Nothing on the homepage but search is working. (boston)

Oh yeah, hitting me hard in South Central Texas… no youtube videos at all for my customers.


I think it’s clear they’re having problems worldwide - could we maybe refrain from the "me too"s unless someone has insight on what the problem is?

Well at least the BGP looks good this time and it's not being sent to Pakistan.

Confirmed outage in Windsor CA


Should be coming back online

I concur, all of my systems have it as back up.

Thanks ~ Bryce Wilson, AS202313

Back up in south central texas
