YouTube IP Hijacking

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Very nice.. is there an ARIN equal that anyone knows of OR can you use
the RIPE one for ARIN registered space?

Just curious.. thanks..


This is similar, and available for all regions/ASNs.

-- Jason

Paul Stewart wrote:

as the homepage states:

"MyASN is open to be used by anyone. You don't have to be a Local
Internet Registry (LIR) and your ASN doesn't have to be assigned by the
RIPE NCC. There are no fees to use the MyASN service."

I'm sure this also covers "foreign" address space. It simply doesn't
care about which RIR the ASN(s) and prefixes are registered with.

Best regards,

DO NOT sign up at that site until the site admin fixes a major issue - I
thought it looked interesting but now I'm in an embarrassing situation.

I signed up like anyone would do and the moment I validated my email
address, postings started to showup under my account that are weeks old
- these postings are of "sexual nature" ... lovely....

Not impressed to say the least.... emailed the site admin asking
something be done...

Paul Stewart
Senior Network Administrator
5 King St. E., Millbrook, ON, LOA 1GO
Phone: 705-932-4127
Nexicom - Connected. Naturally.

The Site admin got back to me right away.... I jumped the gun slightly..

Anyways, a spammer had signed into that site previously with the same
username and posted lots of crap - when I signed up, those posts came
back online hence my panic....

Should be fine now - interesting site :wink:
