Yet more hijacked space? -

I try to make it a habit of responding only to accusations when I can
identify the accuser, but well, it's Friday night and I have a few
minutes of time to spare. Btw, Hushmail is great for stirring up crap
and hiding from the potential backlash.

Wonder what you will, but our space is not hijacked. Only Networking
is Deru - always has been - some of our equipment/colo facilities are
(and have been) on the address on our AS registration. The ins/outs
of DSS are public, you just need to dig deeper than you have - we are
not required to justify anything to you.

Personally, I think Deru has done it's part to help the Nanog
community - I seem to vaguely remember us providing the bandwidth to
the last Nanog here in Phoenix a couple of months ago, gratis, free of
charge, provided over this very ip space.

Thanks for your support in return! Wait, you don't represent Nanog,
you represent a no-name anonymous email address...

We (including Richard Rupp) have better things to spend our time on...
Like pondering why so many "backbones" still don't source filter their
customers so we wouldn't have to play around with 500Kpps syn floods
(with randomized ips) aimed at us on Friday nights...



... Like pondering why so many "backbones" still don't source filter
their customers so we wouldn't have to play around with 500Kpps syn
floods (with randomized ips) aimed at us on Friday nights...

i don't know either, but when you meet them, please tell them to read:

        SAC 004 | Security and Stability Advisory Committee - Securing the Edge