Yes it's off topic but who cares right now.

Let’s get something clear. Although there are Muslims that believe we should all live in peace and harmony the fundamentals of the Muslim faith state that Christians and Jews should be exterminated. The believe that it’s ok to lie, cheat or do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. A Los Angeles radio station (broadcasting in Spanish) reported that a Palestinian community in Palos Verdes, CA was handing out candy to their kids and partying in the streets.

This doesn’t meant that everyone of Middle Eastern origins is automatically suspicious. I know that many people have left their countries because of practices of their countries (they regularly imprison and execute Christians for evangelizing).

Oh, I don’t doubt for a second that there were co-conspirators that were born and raised in the United States and have no ethnic and religious ties to the Middle East.

Basically, we need to keep our eyes open without going overboard. We need to strike a balance between national security and remaining within the bounds of the Constitution of the United States.

I know I’m going to get flamed big time but oh well. When political correctness runs smack into reality, reality wins.

Flame away!

Larry Diffey

Let's get something clear. Although there are Muslims that believe we

>should all live in peace and harmony the fundamentals of the Muslim faith
>state that Christians and Jews should be exterminated. The believe that
>it's ok to lie, cheat or do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

One should check one's facts before stating such slanderous, dangerous, and downright pathetic dribble. Especially when it is off-topic.

Some of my best friends are devout - "fundamentalist" - Muslims. They view people kill indiscriminately as non-Muslims. Much as good Christians viewed Hitler.

Mohammed himself spoke with the Christians and Jews when he first had his visions, for they all believed in the "one true God".

You soil the memory of my friend and everyone else who died in this tragedy. The people who were responsible for this many not even have been Muslim, we do not know yet. And if they were, their guilt should not be spread to all Muslims any more than white males should be shunned because most serial killers are white males.

So please shut the fuck up.

>I know I'm going to get flamed big time but oh well. When political
>correctness runs smack into reality, reality wins.

Too bad when stupidity runs into reality, stupidity often survives....

Everyone else, please forgive me for responding to this excrement, but I am not feeling as charitable as usual.

You appear to be insane. Go away.

: Delivered-To:
: Delivered-To:
: Delivered-To:
: From: "Larry Diffey" <>

: This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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: Let's get something clear. Although there are Muslims that believe we =
: should all live in peace and harmony the fundamentals of the Muslim =
: faith state that Christians and Jews should be exterminated. The =
: believe that it's ok to lie, cheat or do whatever it takes to achieve =
: their goals. A Los Angeles radio station (broadcasting in Spanish) =
: reported that a Palestinian community in Palos Verdes, CA was handing =
: out candy to their kids and partying in the streets.
: This doesn't meant that everyone of Middle Eastern origins is =
: automatically suspicious. I know that many people have left their =
: countries because of practices of their countries (they regularly =
: imprison and execute Christians for evangelizing).
: Oh, I don't doubt for a second that there were co-conspirators that were =
: born and raised in the United States and have no ethnic and religious =
: ties to the Middle East.
: Basically, we need to keep our eyes open without going overboard. We =
: need to strike a balance between national security and remaining within =
: the bounds of the Constitution of the United States.
: I know I'm going to get flamed big time but oh well. When political =
: correctness runs smack into reality, reality wins.
: Flame away!
: Larry Diffey

Although there are Muslims that believe we should all live in peace and
harmony the fundamentals of the Muslim faith state that [x and y] should
be exterminated.

this is the horrible desease of all fanatics, irrespective of religion.
the disease is not restricted to one view of god.

do not spread it yourself. resist the cycle of violence and hate.


>> Although there are Muslims that believe we should all live in peace and
>> harmony the fundamentals of the Muslim faith state that [x and y] should
>> be exterminated.
>this is the horrible desease of all fanatics, irrespective of religion.
>the disease is not restricted to one view of god.
>do not spread it yourself. resist the cycle of violence and hate.


Honorable post, thank you.

But I sincerely doubt Mr. Diffey realizes just how closely his thought processes mirror the thoughts of those who did this.