Yahoo Postmaster contact, please

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Greetings, NANOGers. I've got a mail cluster that's been spooling about
50000 messages for the past week or so (with very little drain and
traffic passing), and my mail admin reports that attempted contacts to
the Yahoo Postmaster are not getting answered. Can someone over there
drop me a line off-list, please?

- --mec

Greetings, NANOGers. I've got a mail cluster that's been spooling about
50000 messages for the past week or so (with very little drain and
traffic passing), and my mail admin reports that attempted contacts to
the Yahoo Postmaster are not getting answered. Can someone over there
drop me a line off-list, please?

Welcome to a very NON-exclusive club Matt.

You are not alone*. It seems as if every other mail server on the planet is having the same issue.

As for an actual human being at Yahoo getting back in touch with you, I suspect I'll be refereeing a Flyers** vs Chiefs*** Ice Hockey game in hell before that happens. However, if an actual human being affiliated with Yahoo does get back to you prior to the Zamboni being delivered to the netherworld, please pass them over my way when your done with them.


** Philadelphia Flyers - Wikipedia
*** Slap Shot - Wikipedia

My queues aren't as large as most reading this, I haven't seen one email
to * or * delayed all day. They come in
singularly, get expanded by mailinglist software, and go out in bulk.
Also, my emails (from: haven't seen any significant
delays to/from other mailinglists this week.

-Jim P.

I have one customer that's been having trouble (not specific to him, all of
our ISP subs send out via well-known gateways) and the message started off
with "451 Message temporarily deferred - 4.16.50" and the most recent one
was "Remote host said: 451 Message temporarily deferred - [190]". When I
had this problem about 2 weeks ago I could manually initiate a connection to
any of Yahoo's MX records and get the first error message. After I filled
out the "Yahoo! Mail Feedback" form on their website
( I get this response four
days later:

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Greetings, NANOGers. I've got a mail cluster that's been spooling about
50000 messages for the past week or so (with very little drain and
traffic passing), and my mail admin reports that attempted contacts to
the Yahoo Postmaster are not getting answered. Can someone over there
drop me a line off-list, please?

- --mec

Amusingly enough, gmail tossed this in my spam folder, so I didn't see it
until people started replying to it. I have no idea if that's indicative of
anything with respect to Yahoo or not, but it might indicate a possible
reason for mail deferral from some sites.

If you're having network connectivity issues reaching Yahoo, NANOG would
seem like a reasonable place to raise questions--but this isn't really a list
for mail admins to hang out on. It looks like network connectivity between and Yahoo is good, so I'm not sure if there's anything people on
this list could help you with--but if you do have network connectivity issues
in the future, there's definitely people here who can address those concerns.


Yahoo! will be issue "Resources temporarily unavailable. Please try again
later" when "trouble" with Yahoo! systems (overload or outage) is happening
and "Message temporarily deferred" when the source or content of the message
is bad or suspicious.
