Yahoo! Mail Servers

Hey all,
  Sorry for the delay. Thanks to Peter Moody for letting me know
some of you were looking for Yahoo!. The issue some of you are
seeing is that your mailserver IPs are being grey-listed after a certain
number of emails and being traffic shaped. To have your legitimate
mailservers added to a white list, please refer to the following info.



p.s. Chuck, must be 'game on' in hell twice since Petach and I both work
for Yahoo. :slight_smile:

"suspect I'll be refereeing a Flyers** vs Chiefs*** Ice Hockey game in
hell before that happens. However, if an actual human being affiliated
with Yahoo does get back to you prior to the Zamboni being delivered to
the netherworld, please pass them over my way when your done with them.

number of emails and being traffic shaped. To have your legitimate
mailservers added to a white list, please refer to the following info.

Help for your Yahoo Account

I've filled in the form. And I'm pretty sure this is the second or third time I've done so.


p.s. Chuck, must be 'game on' in hell twice since Petach and I both work
for Yahoo. :slight_smile:

I have my whistle & skates, but won't drop the puck until my message backlogs sink to single digits, and/or a human being from yahoo!mail contacts me directly via the methods I outlined in the above referenced form.


number of emails and being traffic shaped. To have your legitimate
mailservers added to a white list, please refer to the following info.

Help for your Yahoo Account

I've filled in the form. And I'm pretty sure this is the second or third time I've done so.


p.s. Chuck, must be 'game on' in hell twice since Petach and I both work
for Yahoo. :slight_smile:

I have my whistle & skates, but won't drop the puck until my message backlogs sink to single digits, and/or a human being from yahoo!mail contacts me directly via the methods I outlined in the above referenced form.

Just to follow up, six days has passed and other than one auto-reply promising:

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Yo Chuck!

I've filled it out and have yet to hear back as well.

chuck goolsbee wroteth on 11/9/2006 2:46 PM:

I'm joining this thread rather late, and this may be somewhat OT,
but... I have to ask: is this delay the result of the recent upswing
in Spam worldwide? Can anyone at Yahoo or elsewhere comment?


S. Ryan [09/11/06 15:00 -0800]:

chuck goolsbee wrote:

I haven't heard a peep from any human being at Yahoo. Has anyone else
that filled in the placeb^X^X^X^X form heard back from them? Beuller?

I filled it out with the same results.
