XO Communications rDNS

I manage some IP space that's provided by an ISP but is "owned" by XO. I am trying to have rDNS configured but their contact email (ipadmin@eng.xo.com) in the whois does not grace me with a response (yet).

Does anyone know if there is a way to get this done or should I just not bother and live with it?


Call their tech support line. You can either just give them the name
you want the rDNS to have or have them delegate the range to you.

I've done both with them in the past and tech support was able to handle it.


This would be submitted by the XO customer directly. The "Business
Center" portal[1] is generally the best place to submit such change
requests, with follow-up correspondence by telephone, as necessary.

With that said, it would seem XO decided to stop maintaining PTR
records for backbone devices, instead opting for the more generic
'x.x.x.x.ptr.xo.net' (where x.x.x.x is an interface's IP address)
naming convention.


[1] https://bc.xo.com/Registration/Login.aspx

Adam Rothschild wrote:

With that said, it would seem XO decided to stop maintaining PTR
records for backbone devices, instead opting for the more generic
'x.x.x.x.ptr.xo.net' (where x.x.x.x is an interface's IP address)
naming convention.

The particular /28 netblock I talk about does not have any rDNS at all.