WTF ---

stuff under the floor:
wildlife: common in TX, fireants/bees/arachnids in the vaults
cruft: the nite-shift dirty laundry (clothes & other stuff)
and my personal fave: worked in a shop w/ MGs and a flywheel/genset -in
  the machine room-. One of the power leads was not properly mounted
  and had to be repaired. The electrician did -not- remove all his
  rings (guess he was still junior) and was knocked out - called the
  EMTs and he was transported & revivied. we found his finger (desicated)
  w/ the ring a year later when we pulled out the 3033's.

not exactly under the floor:
  The most excitment was the bearings on the flywheel seizing up and
  the flywheel tearing loose, punching a hole in the wall and into
  the adjacent clean room.

ah... the bad ol'days. :slight_smile:


stuff under the floor:
wildlife: common in TX, fireants/bees/arachnids in the vaults

Here in the SE USA we have a variety of cockroach we refer to as "palmetto
bugs". These grow to about 2 inches (5cm) in length. Any extended visit
under the floor will likely include an encounter with one.

not exactly under the floor:

Back around 1981 I worked in a shop which had just taken delivery on an
IBM 8100 system, a "mini-computer" about the size of a washing machine. We
had an operator who weighed about 350lb (160Kg), and whenever this guy got
within 10' (3m) of the thing it would crash. When the IBM FE came in, a
circuit board was found to have a micro-fracture in it. Apparently
whenever said operator got close enough, the floor would warp a bit,
shifting the box enough to open a gap in the board.

ah... the bad ol'days. :slight_smile:

They're over?