wrt joao damas' DLV talk on wednesday

i intended to be present for the Q&A after joao's DLV talk but i was told
that being there without having registered was rude. as i was exiting the
room, i heard sam weiler at the Q&A mic repeating his prior comments as to
how ISC should not be a DLV registry, and i saw mark kosters in line at
another mic probably as a followup to my followup to his earlier question.

i apologize for the length of this note, and for the fact that it says more
about DNS bits and kibble than anybody really ever wanted to know, and also
for my rudeness in attending joao's talk without having registered for nanog.

first, sam weiler's question.

let me answer, here on the mailing list where rudeness is an art form,
that ISC intends to follow through on DLV. while we solicited (and got!)
much design input (from sam weiler among others including david conrad who
gave me the idea for DLV in the first place), ISC holds "change control".
this isn't an IETF effort. just a cooperative based on some source code.

both the source code (bind9.3 and bind9.4) and the DLV specification are
completely forkable in the BSD tradition-- anyone else who wants to do this
differently is welcome to any of the ideas or code ISC has published. and
if someone else with similar resources and similar trust tells me that they
are going to run a DLV registry (starting immediately-- ours is open NOW)
then we would possibly re-evaluate the need to do a DLV registry inside ISC.

none of that appears likely. to me, continued nondeployment of dnssec is
what seems likely, seasoned with periodic 11th hour "oh no, the secure dns
spec isn't done, let's re-open all the issues we thought were closed" parties.

sam also wanted to know how ISC planned to verify zone ownership for the
purpose of knowing whether or not we should accept a proferred key for,
say, "bankofamerica.com". i think sam also echoed randy bush's earlier
concern as to how we would secure our DLV registry against data loss,
hacking, and so on. joao damas already answered those, and he's the
programme manager for DLV, so we can all trust his answers.

so i've heard sam's comments before, and had i actually registered for nanog
i would surely have answered them as i've answered before, and now you all
know what i would have said.

second, mark kosters' additional question.

i have no idea what mark kosters' additional question was, but if it had to
do with my followup to his previous question, it was probably "what's the
real difference, if any, between a TLD registry putting their key in ISC's
DLV registry vs. running a DLV registry themselves?" if so, then i'm glad
he asked, it's a favorite topic of mine.

if a TLD registry (such as mark kosters' employer, verisign, for "COM" and
some other TLDs) wants to sign their zone but their desire is irrelevant
because the root zone is not yet signed, then they could meet some of the
same requirements by sending ISC a DLV RR. their customers (VIX.COM in my
case) would not have to do anything special -- we could just sign our zones
and send our keys to our registrar (alice's registry in my case) who would
then forward them to the TLD registry via some proposed EPP extensions.

this is the best case scenario since there's only one key held by DLV, which
is the one for COM, and once IANA gets around to signing the root zone, the
only change will be that verisign will send its COM key to IANA rather than
to ISC. no registrar or registrant ("zone holder") would have to know or
make any changes to their software or procedures.

if on the other hand a TLD registry (such as verisign) was not planning, for
reasons such as subdomain enumeration or size-of-metadata (both of which are
proposed to be solved by NSEC3, now in early preproduction), to sign their
TLD (for example, COM), then that registry would have no key to send to IANA
(if the root was signed) or to ISC for the DLV registry (if the root remains
unsigned, as appears likely for the near term.)

in this less-than-best case, registrars could send ISC blocks of registrant
keys for the DLV registry, or registrants could send ISC zone keys directly.
the reason this is less-than-best is that ISC would have to verify zone
ownership before publishing a zone's key, unless we can get registrars to do
this for us and send us blocks of keys). since we aren't charging any fees
for DLV registrations, we're currently putting the burden of proof of zone
ownership on the zone owners. (they have to contact joao damas or come to
ISC's main office and present credentials, ideally using strong-chain PGP.)

there is some question in my mind as to why a TLD registry would choose to
run a DLV registry rooted at their TLD, rather than just signing their TLD.
perhaps it's because DLV, even as ugly as it is, avoids the same subdomain
enumeration ("zone walking") and metadata-size problems that NSEC3 avoids,
but DLV is in its late stages whereas NSEC3 is in its early stages. or
perhaps a TLD registry might not want to see other companies, even 501(c)(3)
public benefit companies like ISC, carrying data for their registrants or
having direct relationships with their registrants and registrars. i dunno.

but to now repeat my earlier answer with this additional context: if every
TLD registry wants to run its own DLV registry, then the world's validator
population will probably experience "cut and paste fatigue". there are
about 250 TLD's, and there are potentially many millions of validators. if
one TLD per month needs to update its static DLV validation key, that's a
whole lot of cutting and pasting that'll never happen after month 2 or so.
that's why a clearinghouse, such as IANA for the root zone as called for in
the dnssec-bis specification, or ISC's DLV registry until the root zone is
signed, is necessary.

ISC's actions in undertaking this without sharing change control in the usual
IETF way have been called controversial. my advice to those of you who think
we are doing the wrong thing is, pick one of the following and execute:

   1. figure out why the root zone isn't signed and fix whatever it is.

   2. design your own version of DLV (as sam weiler has done, long before
      ISC's although i didn't learn this until later), publish it, and
      urge adoption (find someone to run a DLV registry, implement the
      validator side, and so on.)

   3. rubber-stamp ISC's DLV design, adopt our BSD-licensed source code
      for the validator side, start your own DLV registry.

   4. go to IETF and say "i think something DLV should be a standard but
      i don't like ISC's, so let's make an RFC together."

what you should note in common with all of these things is that ISC could
never prevent alternatives from coming into existence (nor would we wish to),
and indeed all of our work on DLV is directly forkable/leveragable by any
alternative effort, even potentially proprietary or commercial ones. so,
go for it! (my concern is, DLV is an evolutionary dead end, a deployment
aid, and pissing away even more time and money on it seems like a waste of
time compared to finishing NSEC3, signing the root, y'know, important stuff.)

my question was a bit simpler. what is the security policy
that isc plans to use over the content of the isc dlv registry?
and how will the dvl trust key roll-over and revocation be

as providing a tld key registry is tantamount to emulating the
root key responsibilities of the iana, potential users should
be rather concerned.


you were attending nanog without registering and paying? that is
rude. have you offered to pay retroactively? that would be the
honorable thing to do.


> i intended to be present for the Q&A after joao's DLV talk but
> i was told that being there without having registered was rude.

you were attending nanog without registering and paying? that is
rude. have you offered to pay retroactively? that would be the
honorable thing to do.

attending nanog wasn't an option. i hadn't realized that sitting in on
joao's talk so i could be there for Q&A equalled attendance, and so i
neither paid nor offered retroactively to pay. do you really think i
should? (i asked everybody i met on site, and was universally told by
those i asked to "stop worrying about it".)

you were attending nanog without registering and paying? that is
rude. have you offered to pay retroactively? that would be the
honorable thing to do.
todd underwood +1 603 643 9300 x101
renesys corporation chief of operations


There was a similar comment from another
Renesys employee on nanog-futures. Is it
possible that this is some sort of commercial
dispute between two companies, Renesys and ISC,
who are not network operators, but who offer services
to network operators?

In any case, it doesn't seem to be on topic for
the NANOG list. If Renesys really doesn't like
ISC, why don't you sue him instead of whining on
this list?

--Michael Dillon

attending nanog wasn't an option. i hadn't realized that sitting in on
joao's talk so i could be there for Q&A equalled attendance, and so i
neither paid nor offered retroactively to pay.

Sounds to me like your intent was to be a "Speaker"

do you really think i
should? (i asked everybody i met on site, and was universally told by
those i asked to "stop worrying about it".)

If Merit had simply given you a "Speaker's Badge"
then all this tempestuous teapot wouldn't
have dribbled a single drop.

--Michael Dillon

michael, all,

> you were attending nanog without registering and paying? that is
> rude. have you offered to pay retroactively? that would be the
> honorable thing to do.
> todd underwood +1 603 643 9300 x101
> renesys corporation chief of operations

There was a similar comment from another
Renesys employee on nanog-futures. Is it
possible that this is some sort of commercial
dispute between two companies, Renesys and ISC,
who are not network operators, but who offer services
to network operators?

as far as i know ISC and renesys have no overlapping businesses at
all. we certainly don't consider them competitors and as far as i
know, they don't even know who we are.

In any case, it doesn't seem to be on topic for
the NANOG list. If Renesys really doesn't like
ISC, why don't you sue him instead of whining on
this list?

odd and harsh words. i have no beef with the ISC at all, no intention
to sue them, and no idea what i would sue them for. i do have a
problem with people attending nanog for free without paying and
without being speakers (speakers are not those selected at random by
Merit, but rather people whose presentations or panels are approved by
the program committee as part of the official program).

but indeed, aside from answering these oddly delusional comments on
this list, this topic is better handled on nanog-futures.


Paul Vixie wrote:

i intended to be present for the Q&A after joao's DLV talk but
i was told that being there without having registered was rude.

you were attending nanog without registering and paying? that is
rude. have you offered to pay retroactively? that would be the
honorable thing to do.

attending nanog wasn't an option. i hadn't realized that sitting in on
joao's talk so i could be there for Q&A equalled attendance, and so i
neither paid nor offered retroactively to pay. do you really think i
should? (i asked everybody i met on site, and was universally told by
those i asked to "stop worrying about it".)

Having not been present at this nanog, I'm going to respond at face value based upon what I've read.

If Paul is present specifically and only for Q&A that pertains to subject matter with which he is knowledgeable, his presence helps the ops community.

I have not seen any writings that indicate that Paul was at b&g or bofs or other portions of the conference.

Based upon that data, I am inclined to support Paul.

The proper procedure would have been to let Merit know that he would be there to support the individual presenting the talk.

Other than that, I see no offense.

If Paul is present specifically and only for Q&A that pertains to subject
matter with which he is knowledgeable, his presence helps the ops community.

I have not seen any writings that indicate that Paul was at b&g or bofs or
other portions of the conference.

i was at the B&G, having first checked with the host to find out if visitors
were welcome. while my intent was to pick somebody up for dinner, i admit
that i also ate and drank and socialized.

Based upon that data, I am inclined to support Paul.

The proper procedure would have been to let Merit know that he would be
there to support the individual presenting the talk.

Other than that, I see no offense.

now that you know the whole story, perhaps you'll reevaluate your position.

my own feeling on this is that if i'm attending a nanog in some distant city
and there are ops people living/working in that city who do not have time to
"attend", then i would rather that they came to the nanog social events than
either (a) not see them at all, or (b) have to meet them elsewhere.

however, this is not a debate about facts (which aren't in dispute), but
rather manners, a social-subjective matter. what is or isn't "rudeness"
varies somewhat with time, location, culture, "society's mood", and so on.
lacking a "miss manners" to gauge the nanog society's "mood" in this time
and place, we all have to just use our own best judgement. mine failed me,
and i've already apologized for that.

Paul Vixie wrote:

If Paul is present specifically and only for Q&A that pertains to subject
matter with which he is knowledgeable, his presence helps the ops community.

I have not seen any writings that indicate that Paul was at b&g or bofs or
other portions of the conference.
i was at the B&G, having first checked with the host to find out if visitors
were welcome. while my intent was to pick somebody up for dinner, i admit
that i also ate and drank and socialized.

Based upon that data, I am inclined to support Paul.

The proper procedure would have been to let Merit know that he would be
there to support the individual presenting the talk.

Other than that, I see no offense.
now that you know the whole story, perhaps you'll reevaluate your position.

my own feeling on this is that if i'm attending a nanog in some distant city
and there are ops people living/working in that city who do not have time to
"attend", then i would rather that they came to the nanog social events than
either (a) not see them at all, or (b) have to meet them elsewhere.

however, this is not a debate about facts (which aren't in dispute), but
rather manners, a social-subjective matter. what is or isn't "rudeness"
varies somewhat with time, location, culture, "society's mood", and so on.
lacking a "miss manners" to gauge the nanog society's "mood" in this time
and place, we all have to just use our own best judgement. mine failed me,
and i've already apologized for that.

Wow, are there no outstanding technical, networking, product subjects left to talk about that this has been the most active subject in the last few days?

It happened, but that doesn't necessarily mean that others will take advantage of this in the future. Some make small mistakes and others have no honor. This seems to be a case of a small mistake. GET OVER IT!

--Payam T Chychi

michael, all,

[ if you can't use procmail, could you at least respond to non-ops
  trolls on the nanog-futures list? ]

but todd, you have a bit of clue. do you have a clue at all
regarding the question i asked on-list the other day?

    what is the security policy that isc plans to use over the
    content of the isc dlv registry? and how will the dvl trust
    key roll-over and revocation be handled?

if the above can not be very clearly answered (by isc?), then this
proposal is techno-political hubris at best.


Paul Vixie wrote:

I have not seen any writings that indicate that Paul was at b&g or bofs or
other portions of the conference.

i was at the B&G, having first checked with the host to find out if visitors
were welcome. while my intent was to pick somebody up for dinner, i admit
that i also ate and drank and socialized.

Based upon that data, I am inclined to support Paul.

now that you know the whole story, perhaps you'll reevaluate your position.

Let's see:

1) You attended a b&g after checking with the host

2) You attempted to attend a q&a with the purpose of providing
additional input for the ops community and that provided support for a

Is there a better way to have handled the situation? Perhaps.

The positive outcome of this issue is that we are discussing how to
handle "drop-ins" (freebie conference attenders?). I still don't see
that you fall into this category with regard to this incident.

now that you know the whole story, perhaps you'll reevaluate
your position.

While I have a number of opinions on the subject (who on
this list does not have opinions?), I suggest that the
program committee members take this on as "todo" to formulate
some sort of acceptable practice for future NANOG meetings.
Paul has made a number of good points, as have others.
Paul may be special (are we not all?), but just because
he is special should not mean different expectations in
behavior and actions at these meetings. Many good points
have been raised. Make some choices, and stick with
them for future meetings.


Is there a better way to have handled the situation? Perhaps.

indeed, i should have registered as a speaker and sat behind joao while
he spoke.

The positive outcome of this issue is that we are discussing how to handle
"drop-ins" (freebie conference attenders?).

agreed, there's a salient issue underlying all of this chaff. for example,
if someone only wants to come to nanog for the hallway discussions and not
attend any of the meetings or bofs (or eat any of the food, or use the
wireless), are they welcome? before last week i'd've said "yes." manners
in this case means "what should others be allowed to do" rather than "what
each of us would like to be able to do", or in other words, "what will scale?"

I still don't see that you fall into this category with regard to this

not your grandfather's nanog.")

on the other hand i really would rather talk about DLV than "meeting manners."

i really would rather talk about DLV than "meeting manners."

cool! or we should at least take meeting manners and registration
policies over to nanog-futures.

but, if you want to talk about dlv, could you answer my questions?

    what is the security policy that isc plans to use over the
    content of the isc dlv registry? and how will the dvl trust
    key roll-over and revocation be handled?

    as providing a tld key registry is tantamount to emulating the
    root key responsibilities of the iana, potential users should
    be rather concerned.


Taking the liberty of speaking for the rest of the PC, I've heard your
suggestion, and will bring it up at our next meeting.


Paul Vixie wrote:

[some other stuff]

on the other hand i really would rather talk about DLV than "meeting manners."

I'd like to hear about DLV. For example, Randy Bush asked (twice) the following:

my question was a bit simpler. what is the security policy
that isc plans to use over the content of the isc dlv registry?
and how will the dvl trust key roll-over and revocation be

I would also like to understand the security policy, and to hear how DLV at ISC will handle key roll-over and revocation.

randy, all,

> michael, all,

[ if you can't use procmail, could you at least respond to non-ops
  trolls on the nanog-futures list? ]

indeed. i don't use the former but i should have used the latter.

but todd, you have a bit of clue. do you have a clue at all
regarding the question i asked on-list the other day?

    what is the security policy that isc plans to use over the
    content of the isc dlv registry? and how will the dvl trust
    key roll-over and revocation be handled?

i don't. i've been reading the spec recently and trying to catch up
on the contents of the recent nanog meeting that i was unable to
attend. i've been a long-term sceptic of dns-sec due to the lack of
any movement on the issuing of a root key (and the multiple,
incompatible changes in the protocol itself), but this effort looks

if the above can not be very clearly answered (by isc?), then this
proposal is techno-political hubris at best.

yes, or an interesting proof-of-concept that can be taken-up and
completed by someone else.


Paul may be special ...

nope. we're all just bozos on this bus.


    as providing a tld key registry is tantamount to emulating the
    root key responsibilities of the iana,

While I might wish otherwise, IANA does not have root key responsibilities.

potential users should be rather concerned.

If they're concerned, then I would imagine they can wait until the root is signed.
