would you run this little script, please

if you have a bsd, linux , or probably cygwin machine, would you
please run the attached script once as a favor to a research

it simply does a traceroute to a eight targets in four locations
around the net to see if they are reachable from your site, and, if
not, where the route dies. this is a small part of a larger
experiment, so try not to jump to too many conclusions :).

if things are as we suspect, we'll try to present the analysis in

thank you!


in_probe-v1.4.sh (1.08 KB)

Hash: SHA512

I would be glad to run the script but I just want to verify that it was you
who sent it.

darned good point, ron. <blush>

yes, it was i.


Run successfully on Mac OS X and Fedora Core


And the signature even checks out....

    --Steve Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

In the spirit of "trust, but verify," I preferred to read the script.


As did I, when Randy sent it to me earlier for testing...

    --Steve Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb

Content-Description: message body text

if you have a bsd, linux , or probably cygwin machine, would you
please run the attached script once as a favor to a research

I did run it from several place around the world.
Please note that the syntax is not working with the NANOG version of
traceroute. One should use traceroute.lbl instead.

Also, because it's often easier to wget a file than having it in your
mailbox, I put one version online, ask me to remove it if you're against


* Randy Bush:

I would be glad to run the script but I just want to verify that it
was you who sent it.

darned good point, ron. <blush>

yes, it was i.

Ah, thanks, I've saved your message and its signature. It could prove
useful in the future for some kind of social engineering attack. 8-P

I am on a NetBSD machine. What did you want from ifconfig? I am
guessing "ifconfig -a".

I am on a NetBSD machine. What did you want from ifconfig? I am
guessing "ifconfig -a".

yep. just trying to learn whence the trace originated. this was
supposed to be fixed. apologies.

also the ! in the mail test is reversed. also was supposed to have been
fixed. and heas had a good sendmail direct hack that got missed from
the review set. <sigh>

and yes, there are problems on old bsds, some fedoras, ... with the -I