Worst cast worm damage estimates: Research

Nicholas Weaver and Vern Paxson have published a paper estimating the
worst case scenario of a network worm attack from USD$52 to $103 Billion.


Although it was published last month, it was quoted in a new article
today. One thing the left out the study was the improvement in
productivity that occurs after you rebuild your Microsoft Windows
computer. Some people regularly rebuild their Windows computer a few
times a year. If companies and people have already factored in the
need to regularly rebuild Windows computers in the Total Cost of
Ownership, would a network worm really have that much additional
economic impact? What's the economic impact of CTRL-ALT-DEL? The
marketplace has already factored it in, because its business as

The well known (but not necessarily well respected) Mi2g Intelligence Unit
has estimated the costs for previous infections as follows:
  Sobig: $37.1 billion
  MyDoom: $22.6 billion
  Klez: $19.8 billion
  Mimail: $11.5 billion
  Yaha: $11.5 billion
  Swen: $10.4 billion
  Love Bug: $8.8 billion
  Bugbear: $3.9 billion
  Dumaru: $3.8 billion
  SirCam: $3 billion

Nicholas Weaver and Vern Paxson have published a paper estimating the
worst case scenario of a network worm attack from USD$52 to $103 Billion.

I'ld just like to say that the 52 dollar estimate is _not_ for my network.
We're at least in the $178 to $182.50 range.
