World Trade Center attack

anyone confirm that something happened at camp david?


From what I have gathered:

United Flight 93 was headed to SF, but was apparently redirect toward
Camp David to crash. It didn't make it that far. Whether it was
forced down by the pilot to save others or if it was shot down is not
clear at this time. It did not reach Camp David.


United Airlines Flight 93 airliner headed from Newark, New Jersey,
to San Francisco, crashed near Somerset, Pennsylvania -- police said
initial reports indicated no survivors. United also confirmed the
crash of Flight 175 from Boston to Los Angeles.


A Message from United Airlines Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Jim Goodwin

On behalf of all of us at United Airlines, I would like to extend our
deepest sympathies and condolences to the individuals and families
who had friends or loved ones onboard United Flight 93. United is
working with all the relevant authorities, including the FBI, to
obtain further information on this flight. We have pledged our full
cooperation with these authorities. We will be posting all news,
statements and other information related to the flight on this web
site as soon as it becomes available. In closing, let me say again
that our hearts go out to everyone who was onboard the flight, and to
their loved ones, as well as everyone on the ground who may have been
involved in the tragedy. We will hold them all close in our thoughts
and our prayers.

The toll-free phone number for families in the US to call is
1-800-932-8555. To check on any United flight status, please click