Work from Home and other dynamics

I’m wondering what general trends people have seen with the recent reduction in travel and increased work from home activities.

I’m expecting that a number of networks are seeing increased traffic demand. Enterprises are likely adding VPN licenses for staff that are now remote, etc..

I would expect increase (and decreases) similar to weekend traffic patterns.

I’m expecting there will be more IPv6 traffic similar to what is seen during the Christmas/New Years holiday on this traffic as well:

What interesting dynamics are you seeing?

- Jared

Considering a very sparse number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in
Africa, no real change in Internet usage patterns, either in the
business or at home in our region, for the moment.

In short, life is still carrying on reasonably normal compared to other
continents which have been hard-hit. But we are keeping an eye on it as
South Africa has reported 4 new cases just this morning, all from a
group of 10 tourists that returned from Italy last week.

A few conferences have been cancelled, and I know some events that were
planned across the next 3 months have also been cancelled from within
our industry.

There is no indication that companies will be asking folk to work from
home, so we aren't expecting any major changes in how our people use the
Internet. At least not this week, anyway :-).


The one thing we did since we run full tunnel was moving our conference solution off the full tunnel requirements. We did this for a few other heavy hitters as well. (Youtube, Spotify.)

For those ISPs who have high-capacity DIA/IP transit circuits (10Gbps+) feeding major corporate campuses, I’m curious what the traffic charts M-F look like compared to previous weeks. Particularly for what time it begins to rise sharply in the morning, and the daily peak value. I have a theory that such customers in the Seattle area may have particularly odd traffic patterns at present.

Anecdotally for a few things I have access to I am seeing much lower than normal office worker DIA usage.

I’m wondering what general trends people have seen with the recent reduction in travel and increased work from home activities.
What interesting dynamics are you seeing?

We have noticed as the organization has been sending various teams to WFH, an increase in bandwidth to our various VPN services. It’s been creeping up daily.
we are in process of upgrading our bandwidth to these areas to support this.
we are finding support teams are taking steps to finally fix their VPN services to a more robust nature, (active/active vs active / standby),