withdrawal propagation (was E.E. Times?)

OK, I've read the article, and it's not very good. The author doesn't
understand the terminology.

Never-the-less, this is supposed to be a cooperative operations group,
and we should be doing some operations!

I've looked at the Cisco page, and a search on "BGP, withdrawals" does
not find any mention of the bug fix release. So, I have some pointed

1) What release fixes the problem?

2) Is the release free?

3) Where has Cisco announced the release?

And, bringing the operations closer to home:

4) Has Merit installed the release?

5) Has CICnet installed the release?

6) Has MCI installed the release?

7) Have all the peers at Ameritech NAP installed the release?

Once that is done, Craig will be able to see the effect of the bug fix
at one NAP, and compare with other NAPs during the same time frame.

Then, we will know if it was a Cisco problem....

    Key fingerprint = 17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26 DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32
    Key fingerprint = 2E 07 23 03 C5 62 70 D3 59 B1 4F 5E 1D C2 C1 A2

I've looked at the Cisco page, and a search on "BGP, withdrawals" does
not find any mention of the bug fix release. So, I have some pointed

Perhaps because this wasn't a bug?

And, bringing the operations closer to home:
5) Has CICnet installed the release?

Since you asked, yes. A long time ago.

Then, we will know if it was a Cisco problem....

Gee, and you where so quick to assign blame just a moment ago:

"We _know_ (based on your research and Cisco's admission) that Cisco's
have/had this bug. Therefore, it is at least Cisco's "fault"."

Bill, what you're doing doesn't help. But since you are at it, why don't you
help us out and define for us what _exactly_ the problem is and why it's
happening? We are waiting with bated breath.
