Wireless LAN access in Atlanta

The NANOG 14 web pages says that 802.11 wireless LANs will be
available in the hotel.

A review of 802.11 PCMCIA cards in Communications News found that only
the BreezeCom and Raylink products would inter-operate.

There is no indication of the manufacturer(s) of the units so that we
can bring compatible cards. It does say that additional information
will be posted the week before the show, but I'll already be on the
road setting up the networking for SC98 in Orlando, so it will be too
late to make sure I have an appropriate card.

R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: oberman@es.net Phone: +1 510 486-8634

I worked with Breezecom radios for a year. I never had an ethernet
compatibility issue. All devices and adapters should work fine.

It's important that you know what type of radio you will be hooking up to.
an SA or a WB. SA's are single host devices, you would run a straight
10BaseT cable between the SA and your ethernet Card/Adapter. The WB's are
bridges, you would use a hub or if your on a one-to-one relationship use a
cross-over cable.

If your using the SA's and you change your ip or the ethernet adapter
plugged into the SA you should power cycle the SA as it will continue to
try to serve only the IP/Mac Address it first saw on power up.
