Wireless ISPs during disasters (hurricane harvey, irma and maria)

While some of the big companies like Facebook, Google and Microsoft got some press about their wireless experiments during the post-hurricane recovery, the FCC hasn't heard about the experience of wireless ISPs during the recovery.

Were there any wireless ISPs in south-Texas, south-Florida, Puerto Rico or U.S. Virigin Islands? How did they survive, or able to speed recovery efforts? Were there resources they needed?

WISPs don't normally report in the FCC DIRS or NORS disaster reporting systems, so WISPs are a blank spot.

I know a few of them are on this list.

Here's an update today from one of them in PR.


Demand for their service is huge because traditional service providers are slow to recover.

Early on, the WISPs in PR couldn't get any traction anywhere, even the ones serving critical facilities. Once commercial shipments started, they were doing pretty good.

AeroNet is a large sized independent ISP in Puerto Rico (as compared to
major US48 based national carriers, and relative to the size of the market
as a whole) and makes extensive use of PTP And PtMP microwave/millimeter
wave equipment, so I guess they count as a WISP. They are active on some
industry specific WISP forums.


Here are some pictures that affected WISPs contributed.
