Wired News on Backhoe Troubles

Unnamed Administration sources reported that Sean Donelan said:

LessonsLearned: Did you know standby generator makers have a universal key
for the maintenance hatches on your generator sitting outside your
building. All 'authorized' service people all over the country have
it. How many folks knew there was a black market for generator starting
batteries? ..........

In many places, the generator is inside a 8' chainlink fence --
sometimes with razor ribbon on top.

But tamper switches ARE a good idea, if there is someone to
respond. A PIR-triggered floodlight would not hurt, either.
(Not to mention flashlights on hand for when the generator won't
start...or access to drive a car w/high-beams up to it.)

BTW, this is one reason why old hands have regular generator tests.
Not "oh, I suppose we should.." but "Every Thursday at 2pm, for 30
minutes...." We always knew it was Thursday when the Army next door
cranked up.

[ On Tue, October 20, 1998 at 09:29:47 (-0400), David Lesher wrote: ]

Subject: Re: Wired News on Backhoe Troubles

Unnamed Administration sources reported that Sean Donelan said:
> LessonsLearned: Did you know standby generator makers have a universal key
> for the maintenance hatches on your generator sitting outside your
> building. All 'authorized' service people all over the country have
> it. How many folks knew there was a black market for generator starting
> batteries? ..........

In many places, the generator is inside a 8' chainlink fence --
sometimes with razor ribbon on top.

Even if it's in a locked room it won't be doing you any good if the
contacts or cables have corroded, or it's gone dead. Do you have alarms
on the voltage level and do you regularly perform the normal maintenance
required by such systems? Are your alarms actually tested and working?

BTW, this is one reason why old hands have regular generator tests.
Not "oh, I suppose we should.." but "Every Thursday at 2pm, for 30
minutes...." We always knew it was Thursday when the Army next door
cranked up.

Even monthly tests wouldn't hurt -- just don't do it until after payroll
runs the cheques! :wink: