Wired mag article on spammers playing traceroute games with trojaned boxes

With all due respect, we have a *problem*. End user machines on
broadband connections are being misconfigured and/or compromised in
frightening numbers. These machines are being used for everything
from IRC flooder to spam engines, to DNS servers to massive DDoS
infrastructure. If the ability of a teenager to launch a gb/s DDoS,
or of someone DoSing mailservers off the internet with a trojan that
contains a spam engine is not operational, perhaps it's just me
that's confused.

Why don't you come to the next NANOG in Miami
in February and give a presentation on how people
are doing these things? The trouble with a mailing
list discussion is that it wanders all over the place.
But at NANOG you could focus on the network
operational issues of these networks of compromised

--Michael Dillon

Michael.Dillon@radianz.com writes on 10/10/2003 4:39 PM:

Why don't you come to the next NANOG in Miami
in February and give a presentation on how people
are doing these things? The trouble with a mailing list discussion is that it wanders all over the place.
But at NANOG you could focus on the network
operational issues of these networks of compromised

If somebody (preferably from the asia-pac region) wants to come to APRICOT 2004 in Kuala Lumpur - also in Feb 2004 - and do a presentation on this subject at the APCAUCE meet there, do let me know ASAP.

FYI, APCAUCE (http://www.apcauce.org) has a two day program at APRICOT - a workshop and a conference track on spam ...
