wikileaks unreachable

anyone know why is not reachable? nations
state level censors trying to close the barn door after the horse has


They twittered earlier claiming ddos.!/wikileaks/status/8920530488926208

"We are currently under a mass distributed denial of service attack."

horse firmly bolted though, The Guardian, NYT etc all have copies apparently.



Reported they were under attack:

My guess would be that it is busy. Don't know bout your region but au way it has been on the news a bit.

I heard there are DDoS attacks on the Wikileaks site.


I'm surprised it took this long for the DDoS train to pull into the station.


Good riddance. The sooner someone gives Julian Assange 230gr of shut
the f*** up, the better.

Wikileaks gets DDoSed all the time. My understanding is that PRQ
nullrouted the IP because the DDoS is much larger this time.


I wouldn't have thought that PRQ would have any significant protection in place.


They used to host thepiratebay. I would figure that site probably got a
lot of ddos attacks...


DOS is probably because they released some more stuff.

"Secret US Embassy Cables"


Seems like they moved to Amazon a few hours ago:

$ whois -h

Prefix description: Amazon EU AWS Dublin
Country code: IE
Origin AS: 39111
Origin AS Name: ADSI-AS Amazon EU DC AS

.-- My secret spy satellite informs me that at 10-11-28 2:07 PM Jeffrey Lyon wrote:

A lot of people at the Pentagon in 1969 said exactly the same thing about
Daniel Ellsberg. Whichever side of the fence you are regarding either Assange
or Ellsberg, it doesn't make it right to DDOS the server or break in to Lewis
Fielding's office.

I'll shut up now.

I find it distressing when Network Operators are willing to encourage DDoS'ing of a site. Any site. Especially on an operational list, where politics are specifically prohibited.

You don't like Wikileaks, that's between you & Julian. A DDoS affects the infrastructure of multiple networks, users, other websites, etc., etc. Most people who read the last sentence thought to themselves that is beyond obvious. It is a shame you do not understand it.

Put another way, perhaps you should take your own 230gr.


Remember not everyone who is on this list is a network operator and sometimes their misguided statements make it here. Do not get me wrong I wish wikileaks would disappear, but there are better ways to do this than interfering with other peoples networks. I would hope the moderators are willing to take the correction action when addressing such matters.

Didn't took long for Wired to include the "cyberatack" theme on their
recent related article.


DOS is probably because they released some more stuff.

"Secret US Embassy Cables"

DDOS according to this


anyone know why is not reachable? nations
state level censors trying to close the barn door after the horse has

Good riddance. The sooner someone gives Julian Assange 230gr of shut
the f*** up, the better.

I find it distressing when Network Operators are willing to encourage DDoS'ing of a site. Any site. Especially on an operational list, where politics are specifically prohibited.

You don't like Wikileaks, that's between you & Julian. A DDoS affects the infrastructure of multiple networks, users, other websites, etc., etc. Most people who read the last sentence thought to themselves that is beyond obvious. It is a shame you do not understand it.

Put another way, perhaps you should take your own 230gr.



What is the MLC position on threatening the lives of political adversaries via the list? At least he didn't swear, I guess. That would be wrong.