Wifi Security

In message <Pine.LNX.4.64.0511211400000.12605@twin.uoregon.edu>, Joel Jaeggli w


What do you learn by looking at someone's ipsec, ssl-wrappered, or ssh
tunneled traffic?

no, we're not trying to do that, you dont really think that because its
encrypted it cant be decrypted do you?

I do believe (reasonably so, I think) that if I'm going have a
conversation with a second party whom I already trust, that a third party
will have trouble inserting themself into the path of that conversation
without revealing their presence..


you dont have to break the code if the endpoints trust sessions with you and
share their encryption keys

Successfully inserting yourself in the middle requires some
social-engineering or really bad protocol design. The former can be
mitigated through vigilance, the later falls into the realm of peer review
and security research.

The problem is "vigilance", especially as applied to non-security aware
users. Here's a quick test: pick a bunch of smart, non-geek computer
users and ask them what a certificate is and what a certificate
authority is. Then inquire what they'd do when the web page they were
looking at had some text similar to what I posted yesterday.

You're absolutely right that sufficient vigilance -- coupled with good
user interfaces -- should be adequate. Note my qualifiers:
"sufficient", "good", "should be". Demonstrably, they're not. (A few
years ago, a company I know of deployed a browser+Java-based expense
voucher application. The login screen said "when you're asked if this
applet should have extra permissions, just click yes, even though the
pop-up warns that that could be dangerous". A security-clueful person
I know complained about the bad habits this was instilling. The answer
he got back was "we've checked it out; this application really is ok".
Talk about unclear on the concept...

That said, ssh (which you cited in another post) does a better job. It
gives a very big warning that stresses the danger. By contrast,
Firefox (and I think IE, though I'd have to find a Windows machine to
test that) tells you that various forms of certificate problems are
unlikely. The big thing ssh does is that it keeps a history -- it
binds the warning to your previous history. That's a much better
strategy than relying on ~80 CAs you've never heard of.

If I may paraphrase the original posters question (Ross Hosman), it was:

Do large wireless buildouts present a new security threat due to the
potential to spoof AP's?

The answer to that is no, this is a threat we live with currently. We have
tools to mitigate the risks associated with it.

You can say that consumers are stupid, and won't figure this out, and that
may be true; however when it's starts to cost them losts money, they will
sit-up take notice and buy tools to solve this problem for them, just like
they do with any other security threat that goes beyond being an anoyance.
probably said product will be blue, say linksys on it, and have the word
vpn (among others) buried on the packaging someplace.

Given reports I've seen about public terminal usage, I'm much more
skeptical. See, for example, Airport PCs stuffed with meaty goodness • The Register
I frequently take the train to Washington; I've occasionally noticed
other PCs that appear to be looking for an access point. I've been
tempted to put my machine into host AP mode (or use my travel access
point -- these trains generally have AC power), run a dhcp server, and
see what passwords I get. But I've never been able to convince myself
that it would be legal, let alone ethical.

    --Steven M. Bellovin, Steven M. Bellovin

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

I frequently take the train to Washington; I've occasionally noticed
other PCs that appear to be looking for an access point. I've been
tempted to put my machine into host AP mode (or use my travel access
point -- these trains generally have AC power), run a dhcp server, and
see what passwords I get. But I've never been able to convince myself
that it would be legal, let alone ethical.

    --Steven M. Bellovin, Steven M. Bellovin

I have in fact done this (well something similar). On a train from
Boston to New York I turned on my wireless card in ad-hoc mode, setup a
DHCP server and setup my phone for GPRS. Bingo, I had four other people
get addresses from me and presumably "do stuff" I didn't sniff their
traffic though. Good 'ole Windows (which they were presumably running, I
wasn't) was happy to go from infrastructure mode to ad-hoc mode and
associate with me.

There is a fundamental security dilemma here. Years ago the original
designers of Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) had the notion that users
couldn't be trusted, so the idea was that there would be one root CA and
it would only issue certificates to people who proved who they were.
Software would only trust this one CA. In this fashion, if the software
said "This came from Jeff Schiller, of MIT" by golly that is where it
came from. No end-user preferences to get wrong, no dialog boxes to
click away unread. I even remember arguments along the lines of if a
signature verification failed, the message would be discarded and the
user not permitted to read the "damaged" message.

The dilemma is that when you build such a system, the guy who is the
root always turns out to be a reptile (or is eaten by a reptile who
takes her place).


There is a fundamental security dilemma here. Years ago the original
designers of Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) had the notion that users
couldn't be trusted, so the idea was that there would be one root CA and
it would only issue certificates to people who proved who they were.
Software would only trust this one CA. In this fashion, if the software
said "This came from Jeff Schiller, of MIT" by golly that is where it
came from. No end-user preferences to get wrong, no dialog boxes to
click away unread. I even remember arguments along the lines of if a
signature verification failed, the message would be discarded and the
user not permitted to read the "damaged" message.

The dilemma is that when you build such a system, the guy who is the
root always turns out to be a reptile (or is eaten by a reptile who
takes her place).


Jeff you hit a hot button <grin>... You would love the BGP RP-Sec stuff going on at IETF etc...

I "think" root authority for live routing protocols is out of the picture. However, you may want to stay tuned and speak up if you feel a root authority for routing protocols is bad.



Oh, I am quite aware of the BGP RP-Sec work and many people have heard
my opinion on this topic, including some on this mailing list. But I'll

Hierarchical relationships breed "reptiles" because of the inherent
asymmetric business relationship that results. The "leaves" *must* do
business with the root, but the root does *not* have to do business with
the "leaves." This results in the root calling the shots, for its own
benefit and profit.

Frankly, I am quite impressed with the address registries. For the most
part they are the exception. I believe this is because they are still
run by or heavily influenced by the "wide eyed academics" (as I have
been accused of being) who believe in the Internet Dream... (you know
who you are!). However there is also a "check and balance" in that if
the registries become unreasonable, people will think about ignoring
them, and they have to know this, if not explicitly, implicitly.

However, I fear creating yet another hierarchy which must work for the
Internet to work. One based on a PKI would not have to be reasonable, as
the "leaves" would have a harder time ignoring it. Piss off the
hierarchy, and forget about being routed.

I would much prefer an arrangement where the PKI for BGP was controlled
by the providers. So an institution would have its "certificate" signed
by its upstream (or one of its upstream) providers. In such a
transaction the balance of power is much more symmetric and therefore
likely to be reasonable.

The providers could cross-certificate to build a "root free" (as in
"default free" zone) mesh (aka "Web of Trust.").


Blaine Christian wrote: