whois server for CA domain (fwd)

From John Demco:

fyi.... (Might be interesting in particular to ISPs.)

There is now a whois server for the CA domain available
at whois.cdnnet.ca. Typical command-line usage would
be something like:

    whois -h whois.cdnnet.ca some-name.ca

I'd like to thank to Richard Sexton, Ed Hew, and others for
their suggestions and help.


... note that it doesn't seem to be complete yet, as several of my
queries returned null when they shouldn't have.

Also POC info would be great to have sync'd with Internic, ARIN, etc.


Rob M. VanHooren - Chief Plumber, +1 519 679-1155 x33
Packet Pusher, and Resident Mad Scientist(tm) Alarms to 646-4724
Network Engineering Services 171 Queens Avenue, Suite 320
Linkdata Communications Inc. London, CANADA