Whois/RWhois Server - what is everyone running..?

We are looking into the possibility of implementing our own RWhois
server as opposed to continuing to provide information via SWIP.

I am looking for any advice as to what people are currently running for
their whois/rwhois server.

I have seen http://www.rwhois.net and actually have it installed and
running, but it utilized flat files instead of a backend database, and
we have looked at the RIPE whois server as well.

Searching Google does not seem to produce a variety of whois/rwhois
server software.


We are looking into the possibility of implementing our own RWhois
server as opposed to continuing to provide information via SWIP. I
am looking for any advice as to what people are currently running
for their whois/rwhois server.

When I started working at CentralNic, I found it was little more than
a Perl script hanging off inetd.

I replaced it with an Apache-style preforked daemon (still written in
Perl) that cached database handles and the like, with the intent that
this was a proof of concept for a C++ version. As is typical, the Perl
worked well enough that it didn't get rewritten :slight_smile:


Searching Google does not seem to produce a variety of whois/rwhois
server software.

It's not exactly a common requirement...