whois.internic.net / whois.crsnic.net IPv6 timeouts


  Don't know if it'll help or if this is simply old news to most, but
  the whois systems (whois.internic.net/whois.crsnic.net) have AAAA
  records and happily answer TCP/43 requests w/ the usual blurb, but all
  the servers I've hit then fail to actually provide data and instead
  the whois client (Ubuntu 13.04) simply time-outs.

sfrost@tamriel:/home/sfrost> whois -h 2001:503:5ae2:1060::74 networksolutions.com

Whois Server Version 2.0

Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net
for detailed information.

  Servers that I've tried so far (all IPv6 addresses I got through
  running 'host whois.crsnic.net'):


  Anyone from NetSol care? It's not the end of the world, but it
  certainly is quite annoying.. Judging by some complaints on the 'net,
  looks to be a rather long-standing issue too (there's a Debian bug
  #683187 which mentions similar issues from nearly a year ago..).



These work for me on multiple IPv6 carriers, using both the Mac OS X and
Debian squeeze whois clients:

These work for me on multiple IPv6 carriers, using both the Mac OS X and
Debian squeeze whois clients:


Perhaps your WHOIS client is choking on the first type of response
without the "="? WHOIS should work fine via telnet to eliminate possible
WHOIS client issues; you can just:

It's Ubuntu 13.04's 5.0.20ubuntu1 client, so it really shouldn't be much
different from the Debian whois you're using.

Also, whois -h networksolutions.com works just fine (and
includes the blurb).

$ telnet 2001:503:5ae2:1060::74 43

... and type "=networksolutions.com" to get the raw response.

Doing this results in it just hanging, similar to with the whois client:

sfrost@tamriel:/home/sfrost> telnet 2001:503:5ae2:1060::74 43
Trying 2001:503:5ae2:1060::74...
Connected to 2001:503:5ae2:1060::74.
Escape character is '^]'.

Whois Server Version 2.0

Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net
for detailed information.

[... hanging here, still ...]

> Anyone from NetSol care?

Network Solutions hasn't been involved with the running of
whois.internic.net and whois.crsnic.net for many years. They're
currently run by VeriSign Global Registry Services.

Ah, yea, good point. :slight_smile:

> there's a Debian bug #683187 which mentions similar issues from
> nearly a year ago..).

Right, but other people couldn't duplicate it. I suspect VeriSign uses
rate-limiting; is it possible that your source IP address is just being

It usually tells you that, actually, and so I doubt that's the case.
Also, attempting from other IPv6 addresses results in the same hang
(even with the telnet approach).



Don't know if it'll help or if this is simply old news to most, but
the whois systems (whois.internic.net/whois.crsnic.net) have AAAA
records and happily answer TCP/43 requests w/ the usual blurb, but all
the servers I've hit then fail to actually provide data and instead
the whois client (Ubuntu 13.04) simply time-outs.

"It works fine for me."

I've had problems before and would guess that it's a routing issue.
It my impression that they're anycasted.

Anyone from NetSol care?

Since they haven't had anything to do with internic.net or crsnic.net
for over a decade, probably not.


"It works fine for me."

Very curious.

I've had problems before and would guess that it's a routing issue.
It my impression that they're anycasted.

traceroute6's take me to various places, so I think it may just be a
simply DNS round-robin rather than anycast.

Now I'm starting to really wonder- I'm having this trouble over a SixXS
tunnel but some of the non-tunnel'd IPv6 environments I have access to
are working fine. Perhaps the issue here is actually MTU or MSS
related? I've not had any problem with SSH connections to regular IPv6
hosts (even transferring large files), either inbound or outbound..



Now I'm starting to really wonder- I'm having this trouble over a SixXS
tunnel but some of the non-tunnel'd IPv6 environments I have access to
are working fine. Perhaps the issue here is actually MTU or MSS

Possibly. It works fine for me through a HE tunnel, but I think I had problems when I was using a gogonet/freenet6 tunnel.

John Levine, johnl@iecc.com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail. http://jl.ly