WHOIS archive

Does anyone know of a WHOIS archive? Netsol/SRS/Arin? Or for
that matter, any coordinated efforts to capture this information?

Hash: MD5

Hello John,

Wednesday, February 19, 2003, 10:30:36 PM, you wrote:

Does anyone know of a WHOIS archive? Netsol/SRS/Arin? Or for
that matter, any coordinated efforts to capture this information?

This is a question that has been asked repeatedly, on many mailing
lists, and the answer is always the same: Not as far as anyone knows.

Verisign may have one, but it is not publicly available, and it would
only be for the CNO TLDs. Other registries may keep historical data,
but again none of it is publicly available.

I have not seen any effort to collect such data, the closest thing
would be http://www.archive.org/ but of course the web is not the
Internet, and you may need different data.

Hope this helps.

- --
Allan Liska

There seem to be partial records going back to at least SRI-NIC, and
maybe even further back when ISI/IANA handled registry duties itself.
When there is a big enough dispute, you hear about the registries
searching through archive tapes and even boxes of old papers. Sometimes
they find the missing record, sometimes they don't. But there doesn't
seem to be any centralized archive. Nor does it appear to be easy to
access the records that do exist.