who offers cheap (personal) 1U colo?

Mike Damm wrote:

That being said, I've had the idea for a couple years now of getting enough
geeky folks together to rent a rack on both coasts and populate it with a
few different operating systems and bits of gear for just the reasons
outlined in this thread.

So if you decide to put something together, I'm up for it.

I got an email from Eric Brunner-Williams who hangs out on freebsd-isp and nanog that really sparked my interest. Go to


At the bottom of the page it reads:

"We've started the paperwork with the NCBA to form a real honest-to-goodness member-owned cooperative for bloggers, and a real honest-to-goodness member-owned cooperative for personal 1U colo is just a second set of paper.

This is about as vague as a price sheet can get, but this was where we were headed before Paul popped the question on NANOG, and in April we'll be accepting member 1U units."