who offers cheap (personal) 1U colo?

I pay $36/mo for my aDSL. $50 _more_ sounds a lot.

rest assured, some of the mail i've received in response to this has even
lower price points. several have described service businesses which amount
to virtual linux or shell/imap/smarthost but i havn't decided whether to
include all of those categories in my results.

... it's the geeky thing to do, what does it change in the big scheme ...?

it's a vision thing. i like the idea of responsible 1U-owners extending
their digital footprint to all parts of the globe. most domestic residences
don't have UPS, backup generator, or high speed IP with static global
addresses. and there is no reason to try to solve that problem given the
way-more-efficient 1U colo model.

$50/month at 40U rentable is $2000/rack/month if it's full. after paying
for 60A of power and 50Mbits/sec of transit and whatever the rack rents for,
the provider's gross margin will be between 25% and 50%, out of which they
have to pay salaries. as a standalone business this makes no sense, but
at scale or as part of another business, $50/month @1U is just about right.

An alternative to the question of 1U colo for this purpose is simply
purchasing authenticated SMTP service. With the blocking of DSL/etc
netblocks being more and more common, they're popping up everywhere, both
with and without decent abuse desks. I'm biased, of course, since I /am/
the abuse desk for ours, but it's out there, and it's $14.95/year for 150
relays per day. See http://www.dyndns.org/services/mailhop/outbound/ for
details of our service that does this - plenty of other DDNS providers
have been adding their own, as well as more "normal" mail players. It's
likely to be cheaper than a 1U server colo'd somewhere, if you're using
that server exclusively for SMTP relay, and it doesn't require as much
SMTP clue to set up properly. And at least in our case, we make darned
sure that our servers don't get abused, and thus don't get stuck on

Tim Wilde


Looking for opinions and experience on Telias IP network performance within
Europe and out of Europe i.e. North America on the whole.. Thanks in advance
for your time.


according to your calculations, 1U + 1.5 breakered amps + 1 Mb/s should
cost us $25 to $37.50 to provide. care to share where that is?

i'll publish an initial list of responses tomorrow (sunday) if possible.
note that those numbers only work at scale (when you have lots of racks
and/or are doing lots of other business.) as a standalone business this
would almost never work out.

I like them, only had one issue in over a year which was localised to the PE
router I plug into (linecard failure or something..)

Theyre very well peered and engineered in Europe, I'm less familiar with their
US setup but thats primarily where my traffic is going and it gets their just
fine :slight_smile:

[Peter, fwd my commission cheque to the usual address thx :wink: ]


We recently moved our London DNS site from Rackspace to Telia and have had
no problems with their network. Excellent RTTs into Germany and the rest
of Europe, no problem connecting back to our main site in Boston.

Tim Wilde

it's a vision thing. i like the idea of responsible 1U-owners extending
their digital footprint to all parts of the globe. most domestic residences
don't have UPS, backup generator, or high speed IP with static global
addresses. and there is no reason to try to solve that problem given the
way-more-efficient 1U colo model.

On the other hand, if the person doesn't have a UPS at home, what good is when their SMTP server in a colo is still chugging? :slight_smile:

Rob Nelson

Just because my power is out at home doesn't mean I don't have net access.
With the colo server collecting mail you can SSH into it and still review
messages. Don't forget those who have access at work, a laptop with
wireless, and cell phones/modems.

Plus when the power comes back you can force the queue to dump to your
home machine and you don't need to wait for all of the other servers to
retry their queues in xx minutes.

Andrew (another VT person)

They are one of the best providers in Russia (and when I was there, in
Europe). I visited their NOC in Stokholm about 5 years ago, they used very
effective _common sense_ approach , combining brand names with brandless
when it is more effective, using both commercial and home made opensource

I do not know about USA, this (USA) is another world (with another
marketing, support habits etc).

PS. It is interesting, how Teleglob is positioned today? They was first,
who came to Russia about 7 years ago, but then they lost their position to
Telia (may be, I am wrong).