Who is announcing bogons?

Looking at one log, the most persistant announcer of bogon space is
AS 4554 (Bill Manning), Net

I don't know Mr. Manning's intentions, malicious or otherwise.

as has been stated on this list several times over the past few years...

net 39 was left in my care by my previous boss.


The Cymru Team lists as a bogon.

Its a serious problem. Over the last two decades, records of
address assignments have been lost. Yes, its just a 32-bit number (or
16-bit number or 128-bit number). A missing registry record doesn't
cause a problem, unless someone starts blackholing routes or reusing

While I think many of the bogons are mistakes, and some are due to
malicious activity; we need to recognize the limitations of our data
sources. If people are going to start blackholing previously allocated
address space, or sub-delegations, our data isn't that great. As the
saying goes, you can't prove a negative. We can confirm a positive

He left me 37/8, but the whois never got updated.

But seriously, 39/8 is listed as reserved and is in the bogon list.

You might want to try getting things updated if 39 really belongs to

> Looking at one log, the most persistant announcer of bogon space is
> AS 4554 (Bill Manning), Net
> I don't know Mr. Manning's intentions, malicious or otherwise.

as has been stated on this list several times over the past few years...

net 39 was left in my care by my previous boss.

If so then:
should be updated to reflect that.

If RADB has:
descr: Exchange Point Networks
                PO 12317
                Marina del Rey, CA. 90295
origin: AS4554
mnt-by: MNT-EPNET
changed: bmanning@karoshi.com 20020401
source: ARIN

then there should be some amount of congruence between IANA and RADB.

Incidentally, route-views shows only:
route-views.oregon-ix.net>sho ip bgp
BGP routing table entry for, version 3729
Paths: (1 available, best #1)
   Not advertised to any peer
   7500 2516 4554 from (
       Origin incomplete, localpref 100, valid, external, best

So we know JPNIC is not doing Bogon checking, while the 50+ others are doing Bogon filtering.

