Where to buy Internet IP addresses

Optimum Online business only offer 5 static IP address.

Where can I buy a block of Internet IP address for Business? How much
does it cost?

Most of our devices only require an internal IP address to reach the
internet, but we have a Juniper DX for load balancing.

We must provide Juniper DX with an internet IP address and point it to
internal IP address for customers to be able to reach it from the
internet. this is for testing and development purposes and will expect
several servers on Load-balancer. The 5 static IP addresses just won't
be enough.

Thanks in advance


LEdouard Louis wrote:

Optimum Online business only offer 5 static IP address.

Where can I buy a block of Internet IP address for Business? How much
does it cost?

Most of our devices only require an internal IP address to reach the
internet, but we have a Juniper DX for load balancing.

We must provide Juniper DX with an internet IP address and point it to
internal IP address for customers to be able to reach it from the
internet. this is for testing and development purposes and will expect
several servers on Load-balancer. The 5 static IP addresses just won't
be enough.

Get a different ISP. You can't "buy addresses." You can apply to your
RIR for addresses, but it sounds like you wouldn't qualify if your price
range is 5 statics from your ISP. Also see huge debate on arin-ppml
about buying and selling addresses.


LEdouard Louis wrote:

Optimum Online business only offer 5 static IP address.

Where can I buy a block of Internet IP address for Business? How much
does it cost?

Only five? Really? Our basic residential users get 18 quintillion addresses, and business users get 65536 times that many. Tell them you need a few more. :slight_smile:

Seriously, we do indeed provide that many addresses, but that's on a new protocol being implemented to avoid the exact problem you're having.

Talk to your sales guy and see if they will assign a "/28" to you, which would give you 13 usable addresses for your hosts. If not, and you have a valid need for more space, switch ISPs.

Optimum Online business only offer 5 static IP address.

Where can I buy a block of Internet IP address for Business? How much
does it cost?

  how much is Optimum Online charging you for each of the five?

  practically, you can not buy IP addresses. you can buy companies
  who have the right to use IP addresses (hard), or you can go to
  ARIN and justify your own "right to use" (not as hard, but then
  you have to deal w/ your ISP accepting routes for them), -OR-
  switch ISPs.

  if you are willing to wait for a while (12-18 months) - rumors are
  that folks might be able to swap/trade their IP space IRU's fairly
  easily... but thats just a rumor at the moment. Check the ARIN
  meeting minutes for the SAT mtg last week.

Thanks in advance



Thanks all!

I will look into the various suggestions.


Optimum Online business only offer 5 static IP address.

Correct, this is a business grade cable modem service, where the only
allocation they will provide is a /29. But what do you expect for a
triple play residential product for ~150/month that is asymmetric in
nature (since it's designed around a residential users experience).

Where can I buy a block of Internet IP address for Business? How much
does it cost?

If you need a larger allocation of IP space, you would need to look at
the commercial grade services, specifically within Cablevision, that
would be the Optimum Lightpath, but there are alternatives. There
is a huge difference in quality and price between the OOL and the OLP
product sets, but the later is symmetric.

Most of our devices only require an internal IP address to reach the
internet, but we have a Juniper DX for load balancing.

The symmetric, commercial service seems a lot more up your alley if
you are looking for server load balancing. Also, keep in mind, with
the greater price tag comes a much greater SLA for service guarantees.

We must provide Juniper DX with an internet IP address and point it to
internal IP address for customers to be able to reach it from the
internet. this is for testing and development purposes and will expect
several servers on Load-balancer. The 5 static IP addresses just won't
be enough.

Well, in the OLP product set you would be able to obtain as much
address space as you can reasonably justify (as is with most
commercial product offerings).



may be a provider independent network is what you are looking for. This
is an end-user block of IP addresses moving with you from one ISP to
another, also can be multihomed to several ISPs together.

Our company helps to obtain such networks and autonomous system numbers,
from /24 (256 IPs, the least routed block in Internet) to even /18.

There is no huge hardware requirements for obtain and using such
networks, even PC router with free quagga software is enough.

LEdouard Louis wrote: