What vexes VoIP users?

From: "Owen DeLong" <owen@delong.com>

This "no intermediate gear" term, it does not mean what you think it

Loading coils, Bridge-Taps, WDFs, Protection Blocks, etc. all could
be classified as intermediate gear. Many of these things have been
the bane of DSL installations, so, you cannot claim that they have
no effect on the circuit.

Sure. But they're not really "gear" in the meaning in which we
use that term, and they do not add "complexity" to it in the meaning
in which *I* was using that term. There are no batteries, CPUs,
configuration files, etc, on any of those items.

I will grant that thing like TR-303 RSUs do introduce those complexities,
but they're generally treated as part of the CPU, IME, and engineered
and maintained that way, and they're not really all *that* configurable
either, as I understand them.

> When I'm bringing 31 T-spans into my call center, that extra
> complexity is easily justifiable.
> For grandma's phone? Not so much.

For grandma, probably not. For myself, I like having a phone on my
laptop that works just about any where in the world and allows me to make
local calls in the US.

As do I. And we do.

Was this subthread not about whether VoIP was *generically* ready to
replace the PSTN's present last-mile provisioning?

-- jra