What to do when your ISP off-shores tech support

Joe Greco wrote:
> Sure. Blaming off-shore tech support is pretty easy stuff, but the
> reality is that the trouble is more along the line of appropriate
> training.

But, the reason that US-based $TELCO and $CABLECO use off-shore tech
support is that they don't want to pay for the training and supervision
to do it right in-house.

Jay, that's an interesting misstatement. It implies that they're going to
be paying a lesser rate to do it right somewhere else, which typically does
not seem to be what happens.

The same person diagnosing your IP routing
issues may indeed be asking, "Would you like fries with that?" thirty
seconds later. [1]

Does Bronco actually do that? :slight_smile:

And, for purposes of, "Would you like fries with
that?", off-shore is good enough that most customers can't tell, nor do
they care. It may often be better than a newbie local ten feet from
you. It's the ultimate scripted application, a literal menu. People
expect half-duplex-low-fi audio when talking to a tin speaker buried
inside of a plastic clown. :wink:


> Some discussion suggested that the RR people were highly script-oriented
> and not necessarily capable of complicated problem solving.

And they are afraid to admit (or don't realize) that they are not
capable of complicated problem solving. They're following a script,
just like the fast food order-takers.

Don't-realize. The number of times I've been talked down to by people who
don't have any clue what the "4" in "IPv4" means is depressingly high. I
do not need to reboot my Windows PC to know that the DHCP answer my UNIX
box is getting from the DHCP server, dumped in gory detail, is providing an
IP address in a prefix that's not appearing in the global routing table now.

Or maybe they don't have the
authority to escalate it to someone with clue, even if/when they do
realize they're over their heads.

That's definitely a problem.

> It appears
> that the TWC Business tier 1 people actually have a fair amount of
> technical training and clue, and resources to tap if that's not good
> enough. Further, he was bright enough to let me know that they had a
> "better than turbo" package available with a higher upstream speed, for
> only a little more, that'd make me a business customer, so I'd never have
> to deal with Road Runner again. Based on this one experience, we were
> more than happy to sign an annual contract and pay just $10/mo more, and
> have direct access to people who know what words like "DHCP" and "route"
> actually mean.
> I did ask, and all the local people are, in fact, local. It's a matter
> of training and technical knowledge. None of them was really putting
> together the fact that the modem was sketchy for the service class we
> had.

So, regardless of geographic location, using scripted clueless
order-takers without the ability to escalate for customer support is a
bad thing. And, scripted clueless order-takers exist solely because
they're cheap, not because they provide anything remotely resembling
good service. Cheap, from a US-centric perspective, generally means

The interesting thing about your experience is that your service
problems resulted in an up-sell, but only because you were persistent
enough to fight through the system.

Plausible interpretation, but not really accurate. An upsell would
normally be convincing someone to buy something that they would not
otherwise have thought to be useful; is it really an "upsell" when
you fail to advertise your new service offerings on your web site,
and so leave your potential business customers with the impression
that the only offerings you have are the same in-excess-of-T1 prices
that you offered last time they talked to you?

Come to think of it, I just looked and I still can't find any solid
information about the plan we've got. I *think* it's some variation
on the "teleworker" package. There's a "home business solution" pkg
for $100/mo that includes 15M/2M broadband, but we're paying less
than that...

Furthermore, it took a person with
clue to do the up-sell. How many customers and up-sell opportunities
does RR lose because of their decision to go with cheap, scripted,
clueless off-shore support?

... or in this case, cheap, scripted, clueless in-house support ...

The thing that is really unfortunate is that I had told the agent at the
time we went to Turbo that I was primarily interested in upstream speed.

> My point is that you not only need the language skills and a good phone
> connection, but also a reasonable process to deal with knowledgeable
> people. I understand the need to provide scripted support, but there
> should also be a reasonable path to determine that someone has an
> exceptional problem and isn't being well-served by the script.

Precisely. Or for better service have reasonably clueful people at
level 1 so that they can quickly and expeditiously deal with the easy
problems that could be scripted.

The scripted part could (and often is) being done with IVR, no humans at
all. But, please, if you do this, use DTMF menus and not that God-awful
worthless "Tell-me" speech-guessing machine. And make sure that every
menu has a "0-to-human-being" option.

I don't know, I've seen some relatively impressive "speech-guessing
machines." It is clear that the technology still needs some work, but
Amtrak's "Julie" is fairly impressive and useful.

... JG

I find those speech recognition menus quite annoying. American Airlines has one that's just not good enough over a lower bitrate cell voice link in a crowded situation when you're trying to determine what's the deal with cancelled flights or whatnot along with everyone else in the plane. Always have to waste a minute for it to decide that it's going to punt to a real person. It would be nice if there was a way to bypass it.

- S

Skywing wrote:

I find those speech recognition menus quite annoying. American
Airlines has one that's just not good enough over a lower bitrate
cell voice link in a crowded situation when you're trying to
determine what's the deal with cancelled flights or whatnot along
with everyone else in the plane. Always have to waste a minute for
it to decide that it's going to punt to a real person. It would be
nice if there was a way to bypass it.

say "agent" and keep repeating that word until it understands you. That will bypass the menus, and take you to a person.

Skywing wrote:

I find those speech recognition menus quite annoying. American Airlines has one that's just not good enough over a lower bitrate cell voice link in a crowded situation when you're trying to determine what's the deal with cancelled flights or whatnot along with everyone else in the plane. Always have to waste a minute for it to decide that it's going to punt to a real person. It would be nice if there was a way to bypass it.

Jay wrote:

But, the reason that US-based $TELCO and $CABLECO use off-shore tech support is that they don't want to pay for the training and supervision to do it right in-house.

Jay, that's an interesting misstatement. It implies that they're going to
be paying a lesser rate to do it right somewhere else, which typically does
not seem to be what happens.

Perhaps my wording didn't convey my meaning. They don't care about doing it right nearly as much as they care about doing it cheap. This often means outsourced, which often means offshore.

The same person diagnosing your IP routing issues may indeed be asking, "Would you like fries with that?" thirty seconds later. [1]

Does Bronco actually do that? :slight_smile:

They actually do outsourced offshore order-taking for fast food drive-through restaurants. Several big-name chains in fact. And they're quite good at it, the customer probably doesn't know. Whether the same people also answer the phones for $TELCO and $CABLECO, I don't know.

And they are afraid to admit (or don't realize) that they are not capable of complicated problem solving. They're following a script, just like the fast food order-takers.

Don't-realize. The number of times I've been talked down to by people who
don't have any clue what the "4" in "IPv4" means is depressingly high. I
do not need to reboot my Windows PC to know that the DHCP answer my UNIX
box is getting from the DHCP server, dumped in gory detail, is providing an IP address in a prefix that's not appearing in the global routing table now.

Or maybe they don't have the authority to escalate it to someone with clue, even if/when they do realize they're over their heads.

That's definitely a problem.

Yep. I suspect it's a culture of "What are we paying you for if you can't solve the problems?" aimed at the scripted call center people. Call center work is a miserable job. The people are thoroughly timed and scrutinized, graded on the number of calls they take per hour, time on the phone to each caller (less is better), etc. Automated metrics with the goal of pushing as many calls at as few people as possible. I wouldn't be surprised if many of them are penalized for escalating issues.

The interesting thing about your experience is that your service problems resulted in an up-sell, but only because you were persistent enough to fight through the system.

Plausible interpretation, but not really accurate. An upsell would
normally be convincing someone to buy something that they would not
otherwise have thought to be useful; is it really an "upsell" when
you fail to advertise your new service offerings on your web site, and so leave your potential business customers with the impression that the only offerings you have are the same in-excess-of-T1 prices
that you offered last time they talked to you?

You remained a customer and signed up for for a higher tier of services at increased cost based on a conversation with a clueful person, and you were only able to reach that person after some persistence. How many others gave up before getting that far and went elsewhere?

Skywing <Skywing@valhallalegends.com> writes:

Always have to waste a minute for it to decide that it's going to
punt to a real person. It would be nice if there was a way to
bypass it.

A lot (but not all) of them are implemented in such a way that they
will yield encouraging results if you start dropping f-bombs on them.
Avoiding an arrest for disorderly conduct if you are on your cell
phone in public is left as an exercise to the reader.
