What kind of cable is this?


Guy I know in Canada came across a 7200 foot spool of what appears to be single-strand fibreoptic cable.

He's trying to find out its properties, UV rating, etc. Any information available would be great.

I Googled for the part numbers (so did he) and came up empty. Siecor appears to be "Corning Cable Systems" now and their website was unhelpful, to say the least.

If anyone has any information or knows much about this stuff, could you drop me a note offlist?



interestingly, i found one on ebay, with specs listed as:

       SIECOR MM Fiber Optic Cable 7000 ft (2199m) spool NEW

     * You are bidding on a new 7000+ feet (2100+ m) spool of SIECOR
       LANscape multimode fiber optic cable.
     * P/N 001N31-31107-0B.
     * OFNR UL, CSA listed FT4.
     * Measured attenuation: 850nm - 3.66 dB/km, 1300nm - 0.72 dB/km.
     * Bandwith: 850nm - 272 MHz km, 1300nm - 564 MHz km.
     * Nominal refractive index: 1.4980.
     * 100/140 micron.

the link is: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?