What is "The Internet" TCP/IP or UNIX-to-UNIX ?

What is "The Internet" TCP/IP or UNIX-to-UNIX ?

As of 2010, many people would likely answer that question based on
the Services they use as opposed to a religious adoration for TCP/IP.

What if TCP is removed ? and IP is completely re-worked in the same
160-bit foot-print as IPv4 ? Would 64-bit Addressing last a few years ?

IPv6 is a loser because everyone has to carry the overhead of bloated
packets. It is a one-size-fits-all take it or leave it solution.
People leave it.

The real (new?) need is ONE-WAY streaming to carry ATSC to HDTVs.
That can be done with 64-bit addressing in an IPv4 footprint. The Destination
Address is most critical to deliver the AV show to the right viewer.

IPv6 is too little, too late, in too big a package and at a high price.

UNIX-based CPE is now under $50. Anyone can download the complete
open source and all the tools to build it.

UNIX-to-UNIX Service-Based solutions pre-date many ARPA DARPA DOD
funding programs run by people who do not write code, they write contracts
and purchase orders.

What is "The Internet" TCP/IP or UNIX-to-UNIX ?

What is "The Internet" TCP/IP or UNIX-to-UNIX ?

None of the above. Read the instructions manual and don't abuse your meds.



...anti-v6 religious diatribe elided... mis-directed attack, in spite of having such an easy target.


UNIX-to-UNIX Service-Based solutions pre-date many ARPA DARPA DOD
funding programs run by people who do not write code

you're shocking lack of clue is showing


If you did some more reading this would all be come clear?

What is "The Internet" TCP/IP or UNIX-to-UNIX ?

Well both and neither, both of these are used and much more!

As of 2010, many people would likely answer that question based on
the Services they use as opposed to a religious adoration for TCP/IP.

What if TCP is removed ? and IP is completely re-worked in the same

160-bit foot-print as IPv4 ? Would 64-bit Addressing last a few years ?

That isn't going to happen to house it, think about how massively its

IPv6 is a loser because everyone has to carry the overhead of bloated
packets. It is a one-size-fits-all take it or leave it solution.
People leave it.

The real (new?) need is ONE-WAY streaming to carry ATSC to HDTVs.
That can be done with 64-bit addressing in an IPv4 footprint. The
Address is most critical to deliver the AV show to the right viewer.

IPv6 is too little, too late, in too big a package and at a high price.

Some would agree, I don't. And its not too little to late because many
people have already changing to IPv6, I think its quite high up there on
ISPs todo list for those who haven't.

UNIX-based CPE is now under $50. Anyone can download the complete
open source and all the tools to build it.

UNIX-to-UNIX Service-Based solutions pre-date many ARPA DARPA DOD
funding programs run by people who do not write code, they write contracts
and purchase orders.

What is "The Internet" TCP/IP or UNIX-to-UNIX ?

Both and more. With your UNIX-to-UNIX suggestion, I'm not 100% sure on what
you mean but what protocols do you think Unix uses? 'Cos it aint guna be
Unix-Internet-Protocol/Transmission Control Protocol is it? Also when you
say Unix systems I get the impression you are hinting at something open
source, especially as that URL ends in /gpl but Unix isn't open source only
some various of it are so if you were counting on open source as a solution,
I don't believe you can.

Sorry for double post:

Also having the email account ipv3.com@gmail.com, thats not very useful?
This sort email address should be on the list rules like that other fellow
who was spamming about top 50 AS's for botnets/spam etc.

Also having the email account ipv3.com@gmail.com, thats not very

an amazing insight! we need an email address police to get rid of those
folk who have un-american email addresses.


He's still got to reach the heights of IPv9

As is the lack of access to any of a large collection of books,
articles, and anecdotes. ("Access" here meaning physical access to a
document, or practical access meaning "unable to derive meaning from a
document in hand.)

UNIX-to-UNIX Service-Based solutions pre-date many ARPA DARPA DOD
funding programs run by people who do not write code

you're shocking lack of clue is showing

As is the lack of access to any of a large collection of books,
articles, and anecdotes. ("Access" here meaning physical access to a
document, or practical access meaning "unable to derive meaning from a
document in hand.)

Or being so extremely stupid not using this medium to ask directly to
many who were and are still part of it, many of them reading the
non-operational contents of this list.


'The Internet' is a collective internetworking of several thousand autonomous
systems, using a common protocol, that masquerades as a unified whole. Whether
this protocol is 1822, NCP, or IPvX is irrelevant.