Westnet and Utah outage

So this is to imply that you do have a problem w/ Sprint and that
you are picking on them in a specific way?


Scott asks:

So this is to imply that you do have a problem w/ Sprint and that
you are picking on them in a specific way?

COOK: your suggestion scott not mine....... If I remember correctly on
my one previous querry 6 weeks ago, the problem seemed to be more MCI's
than sprints. I am in the midst of writing a long cover story on how
backbones are responding to internet growth pressure and when something
breaks I am interest in understanding what happened. It looks in this
case however like people want me to yell on the sprint outage list rather
than here so I'll check out the possibility of doing that. Do you guys
have an outtage list I can join? My apologies if I have offended anyone.