Weird GigE Media Converter Behavior

Hello all, wondering if anyone has seen or experienced this same problem.
Currently deploying an OC12 on a campus network and am using Netgear media
converters. Set up the lines and had lit fiber to the building I needed it
to go to. On one end (main drop) I had light and tested the connectivity
which worked fine, on the other side, when I jacked up my Netgear, it
flickered. Now, when I went to swap out the fiber, I noticed a full
contact between the wires and the converter dropped it out. Meaning if I
had the wires not fully plugged it lit, if I plugged them entirely in, it

So... I ran to the other building and tried to replicate it there, and it
did the same. I figured bad media converter so I swapped it out, next one
worked fine. However, I took the media converter and swapped the funky
acting one to yet another building and it worked fine. Anyone care to
offer a thought on this? Relevant to my media converter? Bad line,
"Murphy's Law", etc?

Hello all, wondering if anyone has seen or experienced this same problem.
Currently deploying an OC12 on a campus network and am using Netgear media


converters. Set up the lines and had lit fiber to the building I needed it

Say no more.

Not that I have any experience at all with an "OC12 GigE media converter",
I certainly wouldn't trust anything made by netgear.

I refuse to buy anything made by netgear, after having had three different
products not have basic functionality (like the ability to turn of NAT,
for instance, or the ability to go back out to the internet when
connected via VPN).

And after having talked to their support department, you could not PAY me
to sell YOU a netgear product, under ANY circumstances. You want netgear,
you're not buying it from us (and we'll sell just about anything to
just about anybody).

Perhaps a product made by a company that makes the slightest effort to put
out a quality product would serve you better.
