Weird email messages with "re:movie" and "re:application" in the subject line..

My email box has started receiving a bunch of emails recently (earlier this
evening) with a 80k zip attachment called "" and either
"re:movie" and "re:application" from a whole bunch of other address I have
never heard of..

New spam technique or some new virus, similar to a Melissa? Any body else
seeing this?


My email box has started receiving a bunch of emails recently (earlier
this evening) with a 80k zip attachment called "" and
either "re:movie" and "re:application" from a whole bunch of other
address I have never heard of..

New spam technique or some new virus, similar to a Melissa? Any body else
seeing this?

W32/sobig.e@MM per McAffee.....

in today's DAT files.


New spam technique or some new virus, similar to a Melissa? Any body
else seeing this?

We're seeing it here too, coming to role accounts. Our folks are
saying virus, but haven't identified which one yet.


Yep coming to my nanog email addy.