Weekly Routing Table Report

This is an automated weekly mailing describing the state of the Internet
Routing Table as seen from APNIC's router in Japan.

The posting is sent to APOPS, NANOG, AfNOG, AusNOG, SANOG, PacNOG,
MENOG, SAFNOG, SdNOG, BJNOG, CaribNOG and the RIPE Routing WG.

Daily listings are sent to bgp-stats@lists.apnic.net

For historical data, please see http://thyme.rand.apnic.net.

If you have any comments please contact Philip Smith <pfsinoz@gmail.com>.

Routing Table Report 04:00 +10GMT Sat 04 Feb, 2017

Report Website: http://thyme.rand.apnic.net
Detailed Analysis: http://thyme.rand.apnic.net/current/

Analysis Summary

Last week there were 6561.
I've seen the number jump a few or a dozen in one week, but nearly 1000 in
one week??
What am I missing?


Brough Turner
netBlazr Inc. – Free your Broadband!
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Hello Brough,

Very well spotted!! :slight_smile:

I finally fixed a problem in my analysis programme which was miscounting
the extended range of 32-bit ASNs (those from 65536 and above). It
wasn't counting them at all in fact, something spotted by one of our
industry colleagues a couple of months back. So the jump is caused by that.

Misery for me now is I have to go back through a few years of daily
reports and figure out when I made the change to cause the breakage. And
rerun everything (sigh).

The other bonus of the fix is that I'm dealing with 32-bit ASNs properly
now - I'm catching the 65536 to 131071 range as bogons, and also
catching any origin ASNs from above 458752 as bogons too.

