Weekly Routing Table Report

This is an automated weekly mailing describing the state of the Internet
Routing Table as seen from APNIC's router in Japan.

The posting is sent to APOPS, NANOG, AfNOG, AusNOG, SANOG, PacNOG, LacNOG,
TRNOG, CaribNOG and the RIPE Routing Working Group.

Daily listings are sent to bgp-stats@lists.apnic.net

For historical data, please see http://thyme.rand.apnic.net.

If you have any comments please contact Philip Smith <pfsinoz@gmail.com>.

Routing Table Report 04:00 +10GMT Sat 25 Aug, 2012

Report Website: http://thyme.rand.apnic.net
Detailed Analysis: http://thyme.rand.apnic.net/current/

Analysis Summary


Analysis Summary

BGP routing table entries examined: 264582

Isn't this supposed to be >400K? What happened this week?



Analysis Summary

BGP routing table entries examined: 264582

Isn't this supposed to be >400K? What happened this week?

yes it disagrees with the cidr report.


Yup, the CIDR Report gets its feed in Australia...

I get my BGP feed from APNIC's router in Japan - and at the time it
grabbed the dump, the BGP table stopped at Not sure
what's going on, looks like the ssh session just hung, but then
terminated normally - so the script's checking for hung sessions or
early disconnects didn't catch it.

Sorry folks...
