Weekly Routing Table Report

This is an automated weekly mailing describing the state of the Internet
Routing Table as seen from APNIC's router in Japan.

The posting is sent to APOPS, NANOG, AfNOG, AusNOG, SANOG, PacNOG, LacNOG,
TRNOG, CaribNOG and the RIPE Routing Working Group.

Daily listings are sent to bgp-stats@lists.apnic.net

For historical data, please see http://thyme.rand.apnic.net.

If you have any comments please contact Philip Smith <pfsinoz@gmail.com>.

Routing Table Report 04:00 +10GMT Sat 21 Jul, 2012

Report Website: http://thyme.rand.apnic.net
Detailed Analysis: http://thyme.rand.apnic.net/current/

Analysis Summary

So, whatever happened to that whole "the internet will catch fire when
we get to 280K routing table entries" or whatever it was? :slight_smile:

But what will happen when we have 4294967295 entries?

Nothing. But when we hit 4294967296....


We added memory where we could, or bought bigger routers. The new (conventional wisdom) limit is 1M routes.

I think you mean 512k IPv4 with 256k of IPv6 (taking double space).

Make sure you check your tcam profiles :slight_smile:

- Jared

By that point router vendors will hopefully have moved to 64-bit CPUs.
18446744073709551616 routes will hopefully not happen until after I retire,
so you young whippersnappers will be on your own on that one. :wink:

BGP routing table entries examined: 418048

So, whatever happened to that whole "the internet will catch fire when
we get to 280K routing table entries" or whatever it was? :slight_smile:

We added memory where we could, or bought bigger routers. The new (conventional wisdom) limit is 1M routes.

I think you mean 512k IPv4 with 256k of IPv6 (taking double space).

if you're still on a platform with 40Mbit cams it's beginning look kinda
tight as an internet router. you've probably got less than a year to
figure out what to do about this.

an f10 ej linecard cam paritioning scheme for example looks something like.

CamSize : 40-Meg
                : Current Settings
Profile Name : default
Microcode Name : Default
L2FIB : 15K entries
  Learn : 1K entries
L2ACL : 5K entries
  System Flow : 102 entries
  Qos : 500 entries
  Frrp : 102 entries
  L2pt : 266 entries
  PPVlan : 100 entries
IPv4FIB : 512K entries
IPv4ACL : 16K entries
IPv4Flow : 24K entries
  Mcast Fib/Acl : 9K entries
  Pbr : 1K entries
  Qos : 10K entries
  System Flow : 4K entries
EgL2ACL : 2K entries
EgIpv4ACL : 4K entries
Mpls : 60K entries
IPv6FIB : 12K entries
IPv6ACL : 6K entries
IPv6Flow : 6K entries
  Mcast Fib/Acl : 3K entries
  Pbr : 0K entries
  Qos : 1K entries
  System Flow : 2K entries
EgIpv6ACL : 1K entries
GenEgACL : 0.5K entries
IPv4FHOP : 4K entries
IPv6FHOP : 4K entries
IPv4/IPv6NHOP : 12K entries

We we long ago have switch to routers that are capable of handling
more or we will succeed in making multi homing work well enough
with PA addresses that we don't get there.


512K of IPv4? That's getting close!


I know a few people had issues around the 256k barrier from tcam based platforms. Expect a lot of BGP instability as people react to 512k entries in their fib