website to display AS No and ip info also

Hi all

ls there any websites to provide the information

about AS no and IP?

When typing the AS no, it can display all the
information fo the company
and IP belongs to this company also

Thank you

That's what "whois" does. There are web-sites which gateway to whois,
like geektools:


Have fun!


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A standard whois program can not tell you what IP addresses a particular AS is announcing.

A standard whois program can not tell you what IP addresses a particular AS is announcing.

    > > > When typing the AS no, it can display all the
    > > > information fo the company
    > > > and IP belongs to this company also

That's true, however, it's not what he asked. I loosely interpreted
"belongs to" as meaning "allocated or assigned to", rather than "announced


Actually it can tell you what IP adresses a particular AS SHOULD

whois -i origin -h AS28788

Cliff Albert wrote: