Webmail / IMAPS software for end-user clients in 2016

If you had to put up a public facing webmail interface for people to use,
and maintain it for the foreseeable future (5-6 years), what would you use?



Something else?

Needs to be open souce and GPL, BSD or Apache licensed

Email storage will be accessed via IMAP/TLS1.2

Runs on a Debian based platform with apache2 or nginx

Desktop browser CSS and mobile device CSS/HTML functionality on 4" to 7"
size screens with Chrome and Safari

hi ya

If you had to put up a public facing webmail interface for people to use,
and maintain it for the foreseeable future (5-6 years), what would you use?


- good


- never used
- w/o db support, how you maintain a (real) list of x,000 users and pwd

Something else?

- good

- least effort to get webmail running ( esp if time is limited )

- possibly confusing install process

openwebmail hasn't been updated since 2006...

squirrelmail is ancient and barely maintained.

Antivirus and antispam are handled by the SMTP system which operates on the
backend of the webmail, by the time incoming mail gets to dovecot imap
storage for the user accounts it has already been processed.
Antivirus/antispam handled similarly on other servers for outgoing SMTP

hi yta

openwebmail hasn't been updated since 2006...

yup.. a minor/major issue

squirrelmail is ancient and barely maintained.

last update ( svn ) was Jun 09, 2016 ( today )

if you like the "latest/greatest" sw ... debian is not always the
best choice, as their *.deb packages are sometimes too old for the
binaries it's packaging compared to the author's stable releases
( latest stable packages want in the distro:
( kernel, apache, sendmail, postfix, sql, php, perl, dovecot, etc

"Direct access to mail server is used (mails are not stored locally on
web server)."

Yes... The mail storage running behind the https based webmail server
would be IMAPS to dovecot, which has more than ample functionality for many
different ways of storing mail and authenticating users.

> >> Rainloop?
> >> http://www.rainloop.net/
> > - never used
> > - w/o db support, how you maintain a (real) list of x,000 users and


> "Direct access to mail server is used (mails are not stored locally on
> web server)."

I never see LDAP mentioned much. Dovecot has excellent support for it and
many other ways to authenticate a "user".

Squirelmail can too. Plus you can use all the nss/pam options instead of
native support.

Sogo is a nice option https://sogo.nu/

We're loving the dovecot replication too. A long time user.


Jason Bertoch

I work for an ISP, and recently we were faced with the same dilemma. We knew that our RoundCube was rather old and needed a facelift. We started looking at new clients what I came across RainLoop.

IMO RoundCube still doesn't have a decent working mobile theme.

I went ahead and installed RainLoop on my personal server. Configuration was a breeze. The interface is very nice. And the mobile layout is very slick.

I did come across a problem with displaying emails and when I emailed their support email, they were very quick to respond. And within 24 hors they were able to write a fix for my specific issue and build a new release for me to download and test.

I think that says something for their support team.

Even if my office doesn't adopt RainLoop, I will continue using it on my personal server for the forsee able future.

+1 for Zimbra

Zimbra is a full featured groupware server. I don't think you can just use the webmail part with existing IMAP server.

So it doesn't fulfill requirements stated by initial poster.

From AfterLogic you may use the following webmail clients:

- without calendar -> WebMail-lite PHP
- with personal calendar -> WebMail PHP
- with calendar and full sharing exchange style -> Aurora