web hosting recommendations

I need some recommendations on bullet proof enterprise grade web
hosting. Nothing fancy as the back end is run from our locations. Off
list is fine. Thanks,


I apologize for asking on the NA list (this is the only one I am one), but I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations of a good hosting site in central Europe (Amsterdam is great!)...

Looking for basic space sold by the rack (+ bandwidth) with limited on site support (power backup assumed standard)...

(offline is great)

Thanks in advance!

Michael Airhart

mairhart@cisco.com (Michael Airhart) writes:

I apologize for asking on the NA list (this is the only one I am one), but
I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations of a good hosting site in
central Europe (Amsterdam is great!)...

Looking for basic space sold by the rack (+ bandwidth) with limited on site
support (power backup assumed standard)...

<http://www.vix.com/personalcolo/&gt; has a number of amsterdam entries, and a
few of them offer space by the rack, not just by the RU. it's worth a look.


We can offer you various kinds of hosting, bandwidth and aditional
services in Brussels, Antwerp and Amsterdam. Please contact me offlist
with your requirements, and I am sure we can work something out.

Kind Regards,
Frank Louwers

Thanks for all the on and off list replies. I will be condensing the input into a doc to submit to the person actually needing that info... I will share that doc upon private request...

Thanks again to the list..


Hi Michael,

Thanks for all the on and off list replies. I will be condensing the input into a doc to submit to the person actually needing that info... I will share that doc upon private request...

Thanks again to the list..

You got my personal email also i hope? Just checking, since you didnt give a reply back.

I would also be interested in the dokument you made, so if you are willing to share it with us that would be nice.
