WEATHER: rolling blackouts along the East Coast

Tell me about it. You have to significantly overrate your cooling
plant to handing 3 months of continous operation a year.
And you might be suprised when your high R value insulation traps your
waste heat, and of course its 110F outside, can't really open the windows.

UPSs are a problem too. Batteries tend to get hot when they are discharged
to rapidly, and don't work nearly as well when the room temperature
is over 100 F. Of course we don't really have building that don't
have central AC. And bad things happen when the temperature compensators
go out on those 48v battery bank/regulators that are sitting in a parking
structure at 3pm when its 100F+.

I seem to recall a CO fire caused by overheated batteries from the risks

Frankly if people would just dig a big hole in the ground, bury all
the computer equipment in it, with the large thermal mass, you could
keep it at a nice 68F all year round.

Maybe its just Texas, but I can't recall ever having a power outage
due to lack of capacity in the summer. Although I've see heating
systems fail in the winter, when it gets unusally cold and the
natural gas pipelines give up.

Freeside/ Insync Internet, Inc.| 512-458-9810 |
#include <sys/machine/wit/fortune.h>

Frankly if people would just dig a big hole in the ground, bury all
the computer equipment in it, with the large thermal mass, you could
keep it at a nice 68F all year round.

That is a joke right? With data center heat calculations going up, that is
hardly a major difference.

Maybe its just Texas, but I can't recall ever having a power outage
due to lack of capacity in the summer. Although I've see heating
systems fail in the winter, when it gets unusally cold and the
natural gas pipelines give up.

Wow, I find that hard to beleave. I have lived in many areas of the world
and they all have problems with the summer load, just as many gas
companies do with the winter load. The utilities including telephone don't
engineer their networks for the highest possible load, they try to get as
close as they can. Telephone networks have blocking probabilities, power
networks have load factors, etc.