Waste will kill ipv6 too

:: Now think about scaling.


:: If the population doubles, we're now down to four spare /3s.
:: If that doubled population doubles the number of devices,
:: we're down to two spare /3s. If the population doubles
:: again, there will be no civilization left, let alone an
:: Internet. Etc. So realistically, the current address space
:: allocation policies can handle a doubling of the planet's
:: population, with each person having a quarter of a million
:: addressable nodes. Each node having its own /64 to address
:: individual endpoints within whatever that 'node' represents.

Space: the final IP frontier
These are the voyages of the range of IPv6
Its many-year mission:
to explore strange new device implementations;
to seek out new planet-covering nano-device applications and new ad-hoc networking technologies;
to boldly go via DTN where no internet segment has gone before.
<cue space-like music>

:: Isn't this the utopia we've been seeking out?

I like that one! :slight_smile:


As a small local ISP, our upstream isn't willing to give us more than a
/48, their statement "Here's a /48 that will give you unlimited addresses
that you'll never run out of". Therefore we give businesses /60s and
residentials /64. If only we could do as suggested here and give everyone a
/48, hah. It would be awesome if we could get an AS number but as we're not
multihomed, nor big enough to warrant ARIN paying us attention, we're at
the mercy of our upstream who also unwilling to part with more than a
single ipv4 /24 at a $300/mo surcharge, and forcing us into buying ipv4
subnets that have been randomly blacklisted on sites such as HULU, netflix,
or others.

I agree with the sentiment that we should have only 48 bits in the
networking portion as that does allow a 48bit mac to exist. mac collisions
happen so little, that it would make more sense for DAD to step in if it
does occur. Most hardware addresses are changeable anyway and should
probably be changed if on the same network. I am inexperienced enough to
not understand any necessary usefulness of a /64 network mask over a /80.

:: Isn't this the utopia we've been seeking out?

I like that one! :slight_smile:

Seriously. If we run out of networks while handing out /48s, by migrating everything to HTTPS we can claw back the 16 bit 'port' field in the IP header and reassign it as part of the 140-bit IPv6.1 address space.

Mind you, the FCC will likely auction off those extra 16 bits to Amazon, so you'll need a Prime membership to use them.


You should go directly to ARIN, get a proper ISP allocation the size you need and have your upstream route that.
